A Tour Through The Program – Phase IV

Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV
Advanced Program
Chart of Progress for Candida

Phase IV

Phase IV is the final phase of your program. First of all, congratulations for making it to this final phase. This is the phase where we’re going to ensure that relapses are kept to an absolute minimum–if at all. You should not necessarily anticipate or expect relapsing once you go on Phase IV. Phase IV is solely dealing with your immune system and immune response on many different levels.

It will first deal with your immune response in the intestinal tract and throughout your body. The immune response in your intestinal tract has been addressed on Phase II Part B or Part C, depending on your particular program, and may need to be addressed again on Phase IV. You might need to take a supplement or two to get that immune system fully functioning in the intestinal tract, which will keep parasites and candida and other harmful intestinal bacteria out of your way.

Phase IV though primarily deals with the immune response throughout the body. The principal things we’re concerned with on Phase IV are to make sure the thymus gland, the spleen and the lymphatic system are functioning properly. This is where a great deal of the immune response is generated. Another thing we’re concerned with is liver function, as the liver does produce antibodies and does have an immune system response. Also the adrenal glands, which have been strengthened or addressed on Phase III, also have to be considered.

On Phase IV you could think that some of the Phase II technology has to be kept up or brought back if need be, in combination with the typical Phase IV types of supplements.

Speaking of which, the typical types of Phase IV supplements primarily deal with those nutrients which help to generate an immune response, and those herbs or nutrients which, when taken at the proper doses, stimulate the immune response.

If your Phase IV program is broken up into two sections, Part A will deal with taking some nutrients for maybe a month or two which help to build and repair the immune system. Phase IV Part B will deal with using specific herbs which stimulate the immune system.

On Phase IV we can sometimes anticipate an energy increase. The reason for this is many times when the immune system is stimulated or functions at a higher level, there is more of an immune response and therefore higher energy. Sometimes on Phase III certain immune stimulants or immune-oriented supplements will be used to bring about higher energy. So this indeed could also happen on Phase IV, where we’ll get an increased response of both the immune system and of energy.

Most of the supplements on Phase IV are tablets or capsules taken with food. On Phase III and IV there is definitely a much lower chance that you’ll be taking any supplements on an empty stomach. Most of them are not taken on an empty stomach. On Phase I and II you have the vast majority of things taken on an empty stomach, and then on Phase III and IV, most of your supplements are taken with meals, unless they’re specifically indicated otherwise.

On Phase IV, one should not necessarily expect bad reaction or expect any kind of side effects to occur. The only time that this is a consideration is if the person has known toxic metals in their system, and they have not all been fully eliminated on Phase II or Phase III. In that case you might have some kind of a toxic reaction. But chances of this happening are slim. If there are toxic metals in the body, then a person may get a metallic taste in the body and other symptoms similar to that of Phase III when toxic metals are addressed.

Sometimes on Phase IV a rash may break out or pimples may break out. This is primarily due to the lymphatic system and the immune system cleansing itself. On Phase III, when the reproductive organs are detoxifying themselves, it’s common sometimes to get some type of a discharge from the reproductive organs, or even a rash or a pimple or something like that. This can also happen on Phase IV, as the organs of immune response start to detoxify themselves.

If this happens, a dry brush massage is very useful. This is a very simple technique using what’s known as a dry brush, which is available in health food stores. This is simply a massage done with a dry brush, which you can do yourself. This helps to move the lymphatic system, push the poisons out of your skin, increase the circulation. It’s generally a good thing to do on Phase IV.

A sauna or steam bath is sometimes a good idea on Phase IV, as it allows the body to clean wastes and impurities out of the bloodstream and lymphatic system a bit more efficiently. If someone is getting rashes and pimples it’s definitely a good idea.

Phase IV is similar to Phase III in that it involves the interpretation of different kinds of tests, primarily a blood test and hair analysis. This is in order to determine what supplements are needed to start redeveloping the immune system. Sometimes a specific test for T-cells and B-cells (which is similar to the test given to HIV patients) may be done to determine the exact immune system requirements, and be even more specific than we would be normally with the blood and hair tests. Sometimes this is also analyzed by the computer, which does a whole analysis of the human body, and gives us a readout on all the different systems and how well they’re working.

Sometimes on Phase IV someone needs to do what we call a Vitamin C flush. A Vitamin C flush gives the system very, very high doses of Vitamin C to the point where it totally saturates the system, as part of bringing the immune system up. A Vitamin C flush is described in written material given to you, but there are also some additional things you should know about it.

Essentially, when you’re doing a Vitamin C flush you’re taking Vitamin C every hour, and you’re recording the amount that you’re taking. You’re going to make a note of when you start developing a loose stool or diarrhea. If someone’s taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C every hour for six hours, and at that point they have loose stools or diarrhea, that was 6000 mg of Vitamin C that was consumed. We then do a little simple arithmetic and arrive at the fact that was 6000 mg, and then subtract 1000 mg, which would give you 5000 mg. What you would then do is every three hours take 5000 mg. It doesn’t make any difference that it took six hours to have that occur; what we’re concerned about is taking this same dose that produced the loose stool or diarrhea–regardless of how many hours it took to accomplish that–every three hours.

Another example would be if someone took 1000 mg for twelve hours, which would obviously be 12,000 mg. We would then subtract 1000 mg, we have 11,000, and we’re going to take that dose every three hours.

The person would continue to take this dose every three hours until a loose stool or diarrhea occurred again. If someone had done this for two days, let’s say, taking this 11,000 mg dose every three hours, what they would do is now cut it down to 10,000 mg every three hours. And if they still had a loose stool or diarrhea they would cut it down to 9,000 mg. So every three hours they’re cutting the dose down by 1000 to the point where they’re not getting any loose stools or diarrhea. They would just continue this until their next appointment, or until they were told directly to discontinue this as far as their program. This is called the Vitamin C flush.

The type of Vitamin C that we prefer someone to use when doing this is type of flush is the more powerful ones. Specifically we use Ultra Potency made by Metagenics, which is an extremely powerful type of Vitamin C. It might be that on your program you might be using another type of Vitamin C, maybe from the Alacer Company, maybe a supplement called Emergen-C, or some other type. It doesn’t matter what type it is, that is the style that is done for a Vitamin C flush.

The reason that we achieve a loose stool when taking Vitamin C is that a loose stool signals that the body is totally saturated with Vitamin C, and can no longer take anymore. This has been shown clinically to raise the immune response as high as possible from the Vitamin C.

Another program similar to this is sometimes done with the mineral germanium. For germanium to be effective, it’s better to take it over the course of about four days or a week. The idea of this is that during that time you slowly raise the dose of the germanium. As an example, let’s say a person started at 25 mg. They would then go to 50 mg, then 100 mg, then 150 mg, then 200 mg, then 250 mg. Let’s say they stopped there; they would discontinue the germanium for two days, and then go back to 25 mg, then the next day 50 mg, then 100 mg, then 150 mg, then 200 mg, and then stop it again. It doesn’t have to be done exactly like that, but that is the idea. The idea is to slowly raise the dose over a period of a few days, then discontinue it for two days and then go right back up again from a small dose. That is the most effective way to utilize it.

Vitamin A is another nutrient that sometimes has a little trick involved in taking it. With Vitamin A sometimes we will sometimes use as much as 250,000 units of water-soluble A. This is a type of Vitamin A that generally doesn’t accumulate in the liver for any long period of time. This 250,000 dose can be maintained for two or three weeks, in which case we drop the dose down to 50,000 units. It then can be brought up again to another 250,000 dose for another few weeks and then dropped again to 50,000 units for a week or so. So, one could conceivably do 250,000 units a day for two to three weeks, and then take one to two weeks at 50,000 units. This again serves to stimulate certain parts of the immune system at a very high level.

Sometimes certain glandular concentrates from the thymus, lymphs, spleen, adrenals and liver are also used in very high doses in order to generate and increase immune response. Sometimes they may be taken one tablet every hour. This, many times, will be used when the person has a severe cold or flu, or when they feel extremely run down or are concerned or have evidence that they may be on the verge of a relapse, though on Phase IV. As a matter of fact, the Vitamin C flush, the germanium, Vitamin A and this hourly technique of taking these glandular concentrates may all be used if the person feels he’s on the verge of a relapse. On the verge of a relapse means the person feels like he’s going to come down with something.

All of these techniques can be used by someone who is not on Phase IV, or on this program, just to handle a cold or the flu. Generally speaking though, certain ones are used on certain people or on certain types of illnesses, and we’ll find that they work better. So, it’s always better for the person to have a professional consultation with a nutritionist to determine this.

Echinacea, a commonly-used herb for the immune system, can also be used on Phase IV. When it is used, specifically when one feels a cold or flu coming on, the dose is 2-3 teaspoons, three times a day. After that initial high dose for that day, or maybe two or three days, it would be then dropped to maybe 1/2 teaspoon three times a day. Many times this is used on the onset of a cold or flu. Someone would take this massive dose and then cut it back for the duration of the program.

Phase IV is a particular phase which unfortunately can be slow-moving, due to the fact that it takes so long to get yourself into such a mess where your immune system is so broken down. It may take a long time, but never nearly the amount of time it took to get you into this shape. It’s generally thought that if a person had a condition like parasites, candida or a chronic viral condition or whatever, and they had this condition going on for 8-10 years, it may take 1/10 of that time to get themselves built up again. It wouldn’t be unusual for Phase IV to last a year or so before the person gets the full benefit from it. Phase IV is the longest phase, generally speaking, because what we’re now dealing with is the nitty-gritty of really rebuilding the immune response.

After the person is on Phase IV for about two months, their office visits will be cut back to every four months, or even every six months, depending on the situation. At that point, merely monitoring someone with a urine test is not going to do it. The urine test is usually relied upon to adjust a program or to get an idea which way the program or body is heading. The major testing such as blood test or hair analysis done by independent laboratories outside the office are the tests that give us the data necessary to find out whether or not we’re really getting the result that we need. And usually because it’s going to take some time for the program to really work and build up in the system, we then will only test the person in increments of three, four, or six months. Monthly testing at that point is no longer desirable or even workable.

Phase IV, when developed correctly by your nutritionist and supervising nutritionist, is a maintenance program. A good and correct Phase IV program may have some fiber supplements to keep the bowels moving and regular, some flora supplements to keep the bacteria correct, and digestive supplements to make sure you’re digesting adequately. It may have some of the supplements from the Phase II repair section, which have an immune-stimulating effect in the intestines, and it might also have certain supplements from the Phase III section which are energy boosters and could be immune boosters.

The primary work that will be done on Phase IV, though, is from the Phase IV supplements. In some cases, it is possible that you may have very few supplements added to your Phase IV program, and that your Phase III program brought in the majority of what was needed to accomplish the Phase IV goal. This is possible, and does happen to quite a few people, although it is not necessarily what we expect or anticipate. Usually when you get to Phase IV you will be given a specific program of new supplements that rebuild the immune system.

It is possible with Phase IV–as it is with any other phase of the program–that you can take all the tablets and any powders or liquids, put them all in a blender, and have the blender dissolve everything, and drink it! This is definitely desirable if you’re like me, and don’t like taking a lot of pills. Actually, you may get better absorption and assimilation of your nutrients, and if you have loose stools or diarrhea you may find that you don’t have to take as many as on the program initially, because the tablets are breaking down and your system is getting what it needs from a smaller dose.

Generally speaking, whatever diet was given to you on Phase III to increase your metabolism, or decrease your metabolism if it was too fast, is generally the diet that would also be followed on Phase IV. The principal test that will determine your progress on Phase IV would be the white blood count and the many individual white blood cells which are measured on a complete white blood count. Those are represented on a blood test as WBC (white blood count), a cenefils (a white blood cell that can indicate allergies), basofils (also a white blood cell that can indicate allergies), monocytes (which tell how well the liver is functioning), and the primary ones are nutrofils and lithocytes, which are very good indicators of infection in the body. On the other section of the blood test, the total globulin (which is a protein utilized by your immune system) also tells us how well the immune system is doing, as well as the albumin (which is another protein). A test called totalbillyrubin can give us some idea of how your thymus and liver are functioning, and they’re definitely used to get an idea of the immune response in the system.

These are the different tests which your nutritionist may go over with you and explain. If any of these tests are out of the normal range, you’re definitely going to want to follow up on them, and your nutritionist should instruct you to repeat the blood test in order to get an idea of how well those chemistries are doing.

In the hair analysis, some of the principal minerals which indicate the immune response in the body are zinc, copper, and iron. It’s common in an immune-deficient person to have an excessively low zinc and an abnormally high copper. A very high or low iron also tells us something about how well the immune system is functioning. The mineral selenium, which shows in the hair, would give us some idea of how well the body is responding to chemical toxins or odors and fumes and things in the environment which cause sensitivities. Toxic metals such as cadmium, mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, and we’d also include copper on this, can also give us an idea of how well the immune response is doing. The lower these metals are, the better the immune response will be in the body.

I hope this is informative for you, and answers most of your questions, if not all of them, regarding Phase IV. Should you choose, there are advanced programs which can be done after completing Phase IV. Sometimes these can also be done with Phase IV.

There are three advanced programs. What they do essentially is increase the athletic performance of the body. One does not have to be an Olympic athlete to do these programs, even though they were designed for athletes of that type.

The Fat-Burning Program helps the body burn much more fat. It can be used as a weight-loss program.

The Strength-Enhancing Program has certain immune-stimulating properties. It utilizes a particular amino acid called arginine, which is known to stimulate the thymus gland and boost the immune system. The Strength-Enhancing Program builds muscle on the body and actually helps burn fat, and also makes the muscle stronger. It is usually done by someone who exercises or is lifting weights, but the person doesn’t have to be an exercise or fitness buff to get great results from the program. The Strength-Enhancing Program would essentially increase any response to exercise by the body, and build stronger, bigger muscles.

The Aerobic Endurance Program does exactly just that–it increases someone’s endurance. This is primarily used by runners, bikers, walkers, swimmers–any type of athlete who is enrolled in any program where endurance is a key factor. This program is not really for somebody who is not engaged in some type of athletic performance or sport. The first two programs, especially the Fat-Burning Program, can be done by a non-athlete with great results. Any of these programs can be done as part of your Phase IV, once you’re off and running with it, or as a maintenance program. Information on any of them is available to you, just by asking in the office.

I hope you enjoy your health.

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