How much does the program cost:

It varies greatly from person to person since everyone is given a unique program.

A general outline of initial costs:

The initial consultation for nutritional evaluation is $250. To purchase initial testing and candida supplements expect an additional 300-400 at the first visit
The second consultation when we go over your test results is $180.
Follow up appointments vary from $95 to $180 depending on what is being gone over at that appointment.

Testing and supplement costs are easier to estimate once the nutritionist has an understanding of your health concerns, but a rough average is between $100-300 per month for typical Candida cases.

Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately we can not accept insurance. Some insurance companies will give partial reimbursement, you will need to contact them to see if they cover nutritional counseling and ask the office staff for insurance invoices to submit

How often should I have an appointment?
Our program is customized to fit your individual needs, and should be monitored every four to six weeks to be sure that your program is working correctly and determine when you are ready to move on to the next phase.

I live out of state/internationally, do I have to come into the office?

No, we have patients located all over the world! We can consult via phone or Skype and ship you the necessary tests or supplements. There is no physical examination done if you choose to visit us in person, so you are getting the exact same service.

*International patients should check with their local customs agencies about restrictions on shipping nutritional supplements.

Is Candida the only problem your office can address?

Absolutely not! We can help people with any issue which can be influenced by nutrition, which is just about anything that doesn’t require immediate surgical intervention.

Many people come to us to help them with Hormone imbalances, Chronic viruses, auto immune conditions, bacterial imbalances, chronic fatigue, thyroid and adrenal burnout and many other issues.

Often times when people come to us with a candida concern, they have other underlaying issues that may have caused the candida in the first place. Once the Candida is under control, they move onto Phase 3 of our program where we address the above as well as mineral deficiencies and and metal toxicity if present. If a person doesn’t have Candida or Parasites we can move ahead and treat the other issues to begin with.

How long does your program take?

That depends largely on what is wrong, relatively straight-forward cases of candida take somewhere between 8 months to a year to complete the program. Mild cases might be handled in 6 months. If there are other factors such as severe leaky gut, or other imbalances it can take longer.

Will I speak directly with Michael Biamonte?

Yes, at this time he is the sole practitioner at our office.

How long have you been in business?

Michael has been practicing continuously in the state of New York since 1987.