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Did you ever wonder why your vitamin or mineral supplements did’t work? Each person has an individual biochemical makeup and what might be good for one person could actually create a deficiency or imbalance in another!

Utilizing the very latest laboratory testing, our programs are able to pinpoint all of the factors that are responsible for poor health and energy.

Then these problems are addressed in a four stage program that allows the body to get the right nutrients in the very order that the body will best tolerate and utilize them. In practice for over fifteen years our methods have proven successful with thousands of people.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]


Join Dr. Biamonte’s Podcast Live Tues and Thursday 4:00 EST  Click TO Join or listen to past episodes.

Listen to Dr. Biamonte on Dr. Hoffman’s podcast.
