A Tour Through The Program – Phase III

Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV
Advanced Program
Chart of Progress for Candida

Phase III

Phase III is the part of your program that deals with energy. Congratulations for completing Phase I and Phase II, which is not an easy task, as I’m sure you’ll agree! And now you’re on Phase III, which is the section where we’re going to handle the energy level in the body, and correct any nutritional deficiencies which you may have incurred due to whatever infections that we were handling on Phase I.

On Phase III, some specific tests are used. One is a blood test, and the other is a hair analysis. Depending on your specific situation, both of these tests may have been used, or perhaps only one of them. Both of these tests may have been sent to the Bio-Cybernetics Center for computer interpretation, or perhaps they were not, depending on your particular situation.

In a general sense, what is done is that the blood test is interpreted in a very special way. Back in the 1960s, a chiropractor named Dr. Brockman began studying very advanced medical textbooks and physiology books to be able to interpret a blood test at a much, much higher level than the average medical doctor had any idea of. Dr. Brockman also used very advanced techniques in chiropractic and acupuncture to get a blend of Western science (which is medicine as we know it in this country) and Eastern science (which is medicine as we know it more in the alternative field or holistic field, which relies more on ancient Chinese medicine).

Dr. Brockman was able to combine both of these philosophies together and come up with some very incredible, earth-shaking ways to interpret the blood test at that time, which now–thirty years later–has become more or less a normal part of any really good, skilled, professional clinical nutritionist’s repertoire.

By studying your blood test using these techniques, we can look at different tests that a medical doctor normally would look at to determine disease, and from those tests get ideas of how well certain glands or organs or systems in your body are utilizing vitamins and minerals. The hair analysis–if it was ordered on you–is in itself a very, very important test.

Here I want to mention a few things about hair analysis. Hair analysis had been used since about 1960 or so, mainly by chiropractors and nutritionists to determine mineral levels in your body. The hair–being a dead tissue–stores minerals. We want to know the storage in your body because storage is important for us to determine what level your body has to rely on. The amount of zinc stored in your hair reflects the amount of zinc stored in other glands, organs and tissues in your body, and gives us an idea of what the overall status in the body might be.

Blood levels of minerals are always being confused with hair levels of minerals by doctors and patients in trying to determine what is happening with you. If a doctor tells you that the iron in your blood is high, yet in the hair test it says that it’s low, these mean two different things. Never expect the blood and the hair to agree on the same mineral. Many doctors and patients assume that if the blood says something is high and the hair says it’s low, the hair is wrong, and everything is confused. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The hair and the blood can say totally opposite things–or the same thing–and these need to be interpreted by a skilled nutritionist who knows how to read the test to understand what it really means.

We expect the blood and the hair not to show the same values, because they’re showing different things. If a doctor tells you that the calcium levels in your blood are low, yet the nutritionist also says that the calcium in your hair is high, this means the same thing, even though it sounds like two different things. And the same thing is true of any other mineral we might talk about, if we’re relating it to blood and hair together.

Let’s look at this. If the levels of calcium in your blood are low, what this means is that your body is not using the calcium correctly, or not able to absorb it, and send it where it needs to go in the body. If the levels of calcium in your hair are high, it means that the body is taking the calcium out of your blood and throwing it into tissues like your hair, or muscles or arteries, and storing it there–and that’s not where it’s supposed to go. It’s supposed to be evenly distributed through your blood, to muscles, glands, organs and bones. So–high calcium levels in your hair will mean that your body is not utilizing calcium correctly, and that you’re actually deficient in calcium–so, of course, we expect to see it low in your blood. Blood shows transportation, and hair shows storage. An analogy would be like this: if there were not many people riding on the bus, but many, many people waiting at the bus stop, this would show that the bus is basically empty and not moving many people around, but there are a lot of people there to be moved that are just standing there waiting at the bus stop.

In the blood, the calcium level is more like the bus. If there’s not much calcium moving around in your blood, this is like not too many people on the bus being moved where they’re supposed to go. If the calcium is high in your hair, it’s the fact that there’s too much calcium building up in certain spots of the body so that it’s being stored there–it’s locked up. And it’s the same thing as having lots of people at the bus stop just hanging around, waiting to be picked up. But of course these people are not getting where they’re supposed to go, and can’t do their job–just like the calcium in this situation can’t do its job either. It’s waiting around in the hair, or in tissues like the hair, just sitting there. It’s very similar to having the old IRA accounts where you could put lots of money in, but not take it out. So do you have lots of calcium? Yes, you do. Can your body USE the calcium and benefit from it? No, because you can’t take it out, it’s locked up in there.

This is the best analogy one can give. So, hair and blood are very important to the nutritionist to determine what’s happening with you; however, they may not make sense to you or to your doctor unless you are skilled and have a degree, or have studied exactly how to interpret these two tests.

The very first thing that might be dealt with on your Phase III program are toxic metals. Toxic metals are extremely common in people. Many doctors don’t think in terms of toxic metals these days, because they’re only used to viewing things from the poison viewpoint–meaning that someone has lead poisoning, or arsenic poisoning and they have to be rushed to the hospital. While this does occur infrequently, chronic toxicity is more what people are experiencing, and more what we’re going to deal with on this phase.

One could easily say that four out of ten people living in any major city have a major overload of some kind of harmful, poisonous metal or mineral in their body. Yet they show no signs of acute poisoning, because that’s simply not what they have. If someone goes out and eats lead paint or paint chips, or they go and take some harmful chemical in their body, they could get very sick and be tested and be found to have a very high level of some poisonous metal in their system. But that’s not usually what happens. Usually a person accumulates mercury, copper, lead, or high levels of some other mineral very slowly in their body over a long period of time, and they never develop severe poisoning symptoms. Instead what they develop is many diseases or illnesses which have been in the medical literature, associated and proven to occur when your body builds up toxic metals. The science of toxic metals is very amazing and fascinating, and as a mystery it’s similar to the mystery of candida. Many, many people in this country have candida and don’t know it; yet it causes all these problems. The same is true of toxic metals.

The most common toxic metal can be copper, because most people have copper plumbing, or copper pipes. It is very common that people will get excess build-up of copper in their system, which can create all types of problems in your body. Copper is usually one of the first metals or minerals that we have to deal with eliminating from your system. Iron and lead and other minerals can also accumulate in your body. These themselves are also very harmful.

The first thing we may want to do on your program if we find that you have toxic metals, is put you on special vitamins that help you eliminate these metals from your system. I can’t emphasize this enough–this is something you really have to understand–when you have toxic metals in your body and you start taking vitamins that remove the metals from your body, you are likely to feel ill. Just like on Phase I or Phase II there are certain reactions, the same thing is true on Phase III if you have toxic metals. The most common symptoms that you might incur by removing toxic metals from your body are headaches, skin rashes, a metallic or metal taste in your mouth–which is a direct indication that metal is being eliminated from your system–or feeling sluggish or fatigued. These are very common symptoms of metal elimination from the body. Just generally feeling lousy is also a common problem. Having aches and pains throughout the body is also very common when you remove toxic metals from the system.

These symptoms will go on until the metals have been fully eliminated from the body. That could take a few days, a few weeks, or a few months. There’s absolutely no reason for you to have to be in chronic pain or feel sick all the time if you have this condition. It is in your hands to lower the doses you’re taking down to a point where you’re not feeling lousy, you’re not feeling sick, and then leave it at that dose. Let the nutritionist know via phone call or when you’re next in the office for your consultation, that you took the supplements, you felt sick, and you had to lower the doses to a point that you were no longer feeling lousy, and that you then either stayed at that dose, or gradually tried to raise it up again. This is something that is totally in your hands to do, and you are responsible for it. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to call us and tell us that they couldn’t take the pills because it made them too sick and they just gave up. You’re responsible for controlling your own program by lowering the doses to the point that you’re not getting any bad reaction, and then just either stay at that dose until you come in again, or slowly raise the dose to see if you can tolerate them again.

Basically, as you’re feeling sick your body is removing these toxic metals from your system. The more of these metals that are removed, the higher a dose on the vitamins you’ll be able to tolerate, because there’s not so much there to eliminate. So in the beginning, before you have eliminated these metals from your system, there’s a lot to remove. Even a small dose of the vitamins may make you feel sick. But as you take the vitamins and you eliminate more and more of the metals, you can take a higher dose of the vitamins without getting sick, because you don’t have such an overload of the metal anymore in the body to push out.

This is a very common thing. It’s nothing to be worried or nervous about. It’s very common that people have toxic metals. The way to handle it is just to do your program and have patience and eliminate them fully from your body.

Many people who have arthritis or any type of joint or muscular or skeletal pain commonly have toxic metals. Women with severe PMS or difficulties conceiving or with their reproductive systems of any kinds have toxic metals. There are many conditions in which a person may have toxic metals that the only solution is to remove the metals. If you get scared and just give up because you can’t tolerate taking the vitamins, you’re never going to correct the condition. You can go to a chiropractor, nutritionist, medical doctor, witch doctors, psychics, voodoo–I don’t care who you go to. You can go to them from here to eternity, and you’re never going to get rid of the condition until you remove those metals from your system. The only way to remove them is by taking the vitamins, and taking them consistently until all the metals are gone.

This is something that you really have to understand, because it may mean the difference in you ever getting better.

What toxic metals will do to your body is prevent you from being able to absorb vitamins and minerals correctly. For example, you hear that zinc is good for the prostate, or zinc is good for PMS, and you want to handle your problem by taking zinc. That’s fine. But if your body has high levels of cadmium, or nickel, or copper, these metals interfere with zinc in your body. You may take zinc, but not get any real benefit. In fact, you might feel bad taking the zinc, because zinc helps eliminate cadmium, nickel and copper from your system. The only way you’re ever going to get the zinc to help your prostate or your PMS–or whatever vitamin you’re taking for whatever the condition is–is by getting that toxic metal out of your body so that vitamin or mineral can work and do what it is that you want it to do.

This is something that I cannot stress enough. Many people who have gone on vitamin programs and have gotten bad reactions, have gotten these bad reactions because they had some type of poison in their system that the vitamin or mineral started to eliminate–which is a good thing–but the person not knowing or understanding this got scared and just dropped it and gave up. If you do that, you’re never going to make it. And you’re never going to get better. So please keep in mind that if you have any bad reactions from vitamins on this phase, it’s because we’re eliminating toxic metals from your system.

It’s common that people who’ve had candida, parasites or Epstein-Barr virus and such, have an excess of copper and mercury in their body. This can come from the silver fillings in your mouth, which are known and are scientifically proven to leak copper and mercury into your body, or it can just come from some source in your environment. Mercury can occur in your body from eating too much fish; copper can come from your drinking water, it can also come from certain medications. There are various ways you can get it; the main point is you need to know that someone who’s had these chronic immune deficiencies usually is higher in copper or mercury or some harmful metal than someone who has not been suffering from these conditions like candida, parasites, Epstein-Barr, etc.

The main problem most people have with their energy usually stems from the adrenal and the thyroid glands, which are the main energy producers in the body. Many people may also have energy problems in their body due to reproductive organs which are deficient in nutrients. In a man the reproductive organs would be the prostate and the testicles, and in a woman we’re looking at the ovaries, the uterus and the mammary glands (the glands in the breasts). Very commonly, women who’ve had chronic candida have problems in their reproductive systems. Most medical doctors will tell you if you’ve had chronic yeast infections that it’s very often linked to problems with your reproductive organs such as estrogen–either too much estrogen or not enough. So usually every Phase III program for a woman who’s had chronic yeast infections includes balancing out her reproductive system by taking the right vitamins. For a man, male hormones don’t usually aggravate or cause a condition with yeast or parasites. But it’s very common that in a man the reproductive organs might be attacked by the yeast or parasites. So attention may have to be given to those areas.

On Phase III the principal things that we’re dealing with are glands and organs that involve energy. And in order to get these glands and organs to work better, we’re going to use specific nutrients that the tests indicate that you’re low in. Vitamins are used on your program as they’re shown needed by your test. The test may show that you need vitamin A or vitamin C or something, and this will be given to you on your program, and we will also give you a specific type of vitamin. We’re not going to give you just any old type of vitamin C or vitamin A. From your tests and your medical history, we know exactly what type of that vitamin you might need. What I mean by “type” is that there are many kinds of vitamin C, or many kinds of vitamin A or B-complex. While it may appear that there’s only one kind of the vitamin and it’s all the same, that’s not really true. These vitamins come in different forms and we can tell by your test which form your body will need, or which form will be better in one person than another. So the type that we give you is very specific to you.

The minerals given in your program are, like the vitamins, given based on the deficiencies that show up on the tests. Some minerals you might be low in, which we may not give you, because if we do it might cause something else to go out of balance. So, as you look through your tests, if you see that you’re low in something, the reason you might not be getting it on your program at this time is because if you take it, it may actually cause some kind of upset in your body.

The protein concentrates that you’re taking on this program are actual gland organ extracts. They’re made by special companies who specifically raise animals for this exact purpose. The animals they use are bovine. These animals are specially raised for the purpose of later on taking their glands and organs, processing them in a special way–like a freeze-dried method where the gland is taken raw from the animal–the water and fat and all the poisons and toxins are removed from the gland of the animal, and it’s sort of freeze dried and then made into a tablet. When your body takes this tablet, a good part of that protein is actually going to go to your own gland and help to rebuild or rejuvenate that gland by feeding it a similar protein to itself directly.

Many, many years ago the Indians who lived in this country told the white man, when he first came here, that if he had a sick gland or organ, he should go and get an animal–a deer, let’s say–and eat that same gland. So if the liver was sick, the Indians would tell the white man to go get a deer and eat the liver. This probably sounded crazy and like voodoo to the medical people at that time. But in this century we have found out why it works. The reason is that there is a compatibility between the proteins. It used to be taught in school that if you ate liver protein, your body wouldn’t know any difference between that protein and steak, and would treat it the same way. Eating that liver would not necessarily benefit your liver. Old, old medicine and wives’ tales said otherwise. They said that if you had a problem, you should eat the same gland or organ that you were having a problem with, and that it would help you.

For many years this was thought to be voodoo and witchcraft and not true at all, but now different publications and medical journals and scientific journals have shown that when you do consume a protein form from a gland or organ, some of that protein does go to your own gland or organ, and help it. So if you were to eat kidney, it would to some degree help your kidney. If you were to eat brain, to some degree it may help your brain tissue.

The pills we use on this program are specifically designed for this purpose, and are more efficient than you going to a diner, let’s say, and ordering liver and onions to try to help your liver. About 20-30% of proteins that you’re consuming in this pill form go directly to your gland and organ in order to rejuvenate it.

Many times you may also need to take an herb for the gland or organ, because the herb has a stimulating effect. The protein pills have a rejuvenating or rebuilding feeding effect on the gland or organ, and herbs tend to have a stimulating effect on the gland or organ.

If we find that you’re not responding that well on the basic vitamin-mineral program, the next time that you come in an herb or two may ne added to specifically stimulate and wake up some of these glands and organs which are not functioning well.

Diet is very important on this phase. On this phase you’re going to learn about diet in a totally different and unique way than you’ve ever, ever heard diet approached before.

Diet is something that you’ve always known should be talked about, and was there and was true, but probably just never heard the information or got it from anybody. On this phase when we use diet, we’re going to use it in a very specific manner to you, and in a way that addresses your exact metabolism.

In the early 1970s, research done by nutritionists showed that everyone had a unique metabolism rate, and that everyone’s metabolism could be categorized in one of two categories: fast and slow metabolisms. People used these terms very often without really knowing what they’re saying, or using them correctly.

The definition of someone who has a slow metabolism is someone who’s body does not burn up food into energy. Very specifically, it means somebody whose body cannot metabolize fats or proteins very well, and convert those things to energy quickly enough. Someone with a slow metabolism does very poorly when their body consumes fats. Fats tend to make the person feel sluggish, gain weight, and have very poor energy. If their metabolism is very slow and in very bad shape, their bodies will not be able to utilize protein very well. Usually such a person is constipated, tends toward cold hands and feet, dry skin, very bad energy levels, especially in the morning–very hard to get up. They may have low blood pressure. They usually tend to gain weight from the waist down, or in the thighs and hips as opposed to the upper body. The type of diet this person needs is a diet high in complex carbohydrates–meaning grains, cereals, rice, pastas, noodles, beans, lentils, peas, vegetables of all kinds–especially salads. Fruit is very important for this person’s metabolism. And the person also needs to get lean protein in their diet. The best proteins are usually turkey, chicken, and fish. Red meats could be taken but they should be trimmed of any fat and they should be very lean meats. Protein is extremely important for this person’s type of metabolism because protein helps to raise your metabolism. If your metabolism is slow and you eat a meal that is high in protein and low in fat, it will stimulate your thyroid and adrenal and energy-producing glands to raise your metabolism and burn more calories over the next twelve hours. If you eat a meal that is high in fat it will not do this. If you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates or starch it will not do this. Only protein does this.

The opposite of someone who has a slow metabolism is someone with a fast metabolism. A fast metabolism means a person’s body is burning up foods into energy too quickly. When they eat their body burns up the food very fast and then runs out of energy. Specifically, it is someone whose body burns up carbohydrates or starches very, very fast and then runs out of energy. This person, believe it or not, needs to eat more oil or fats in his diet, because fats are slower-burning fuels. Only about 20% of the U.S. population has this kind of metabolism. I can tell you, as a side note, that since I’ve been a nutritionist, that this is a total amazement and mystery to many doctors and many nutritionists, that once in awhile you’ll actually get a patient who does better on a high-fat diet, whose cholesterol drops and lowers on a high-fat diet, who loses weight easily on a high-fat diet.

There are actually several books written on this. Probably the best-known book on this subject is by Robert Atkins, who is a New York cardiologist and nutritionist. He has a radio show and has written various books on the subject. Dr. Atkins talks about low carbohydrate diets with certain amounts of fat in the diet. Unfortunately, probably unknown to Dr. Atkins, he is specifically talking about a person who has this fast metabolism, which is only 20% of the population. That’s about two out of every ten people you meet who have this metabolism.

A person who’s had this metabolism type all their lives has a particular body shape–their lower body is skinny and their upper body is heavy. If you’ve ever seen pictures of the famous baseball player Babe Ruth, or the famous actor-comedian W.C. Fields, you’ll remember that these people had very skinny legs, practically no rear end–their buttocks was skinny–but from the waist up they were big and barrel-chested. And you may see or know people who have thin legs, thin thighs, not much of a backside–from the waist down they’re skinny, but from the waist up, the stomach, the chest, the shoulders, the neck, even the face–they look fat. This is the shape of someone who has a fast metabolism.

This is a person who will gain lots of weight, quickly, from starches, sugars or alcohols, but if they’re put on a diet that is low in starches, sugars or alcohols and contains moderate amounts of proteins and healthy fats, and given vegetables that are not fattening vegetables, they’ll lose weight easily and have very high energy.

Occasionally we’ll find a person whose metabolism is fast; however, they may need to use the same diet as someone with a slow metabolism. This may be because the person’s metabolism is exhausted. Sometimes due to stress, a person may lose certain minerals in their body which can speed their metabolism in a way that’s giving them nervous energy, and not giving them really pure energy. At the same time, due to the stress, their energy-producing glands like the adrenals and thyroid glands may exhaust and go into a burn-out. We call this person an exhausted fast metabolism type. And we see more and more of these people as time goes by. This is due to the stress of high living and the demands that one encounters in life in these times. We find that people with this type of metabolism at one time may have had a legitimate fast metabolism, but now have exhausted and burned out, and they now need to treat themselves as though they were a slow metabolizer. They cannot use the diet that the slow metabolizer would normally use.

To summarize some of the key points on Phase III:

  1. The tests that are normally used to determine what is happening with your metabolism in order to raise your energy and your immune system are usually blood and hair tests From the results of these tests, you’re going to be given a specific vitamin and mineral program, and that program will help you raise your energy and handle any nutritional deficiencies which you have due to having the active infection that was handled on Phase I.
  2. It’s very common that you may get bad reactions on Phase III in the beginning if you have toxic metals. Your nutritionist will most likely tell you if there is a toxic metal problem, and will tell you to expect some kind of bad reaction as the metals are released from your system. Like the other lower phases, the same holds true that you must lower the dose of whatever you’re taking if you get a bad reaction, to the point where you’re no longer getting that bad reaction. Stay at that dose for a few days or a week and then gradually raise the dose.

I hope this has given you a better understanding of your Phase III program. Good luck with it!

Continue to Phase IV