
The Story of a Recovery

In the winter of 2012 I was feeling run down and low in energy and my doctor suggested a comprehensive stool analysis test to check if I have Candida.  When the results come back she was shocked, I had 3 kinds of Candida, a parasite and couple of harmful bacteria in my body.
She looked really worried and gave me some pills, but the symptoms did not go away.  I did research on the Internet and got scared to find out how serious this problem could be if left untreated.I also realized she did not know how to help me.  I found couple of different websites and purchased some products. It became obvious to me that couldn’t do this on my own.  The information was conflicting and overwhelming and a lot of those websites seemed to be just selling various products.  I was also concerned not knowing what diet to follow.

Looking back, I am so grateful I found the Biamonte Center.  From the first visit Michael Biamonte took charge and led me in a professional, kind and straightforward manner explaining what needs to be done and what can be expected.

I started feeling better after only few weeks of the treatment, and kept improving as I went along.  The supplements he uses are all highest quality natural substances, and his expertise in crafting his program to my individual condition was exactly what I needed. I was provided with all I need to win this battle: monthly tests to monitor progress, medications and instructions on how to take them each month and unlimited email support from Michael..

As far as the scary diet, looking back, it was not easy, but Michael and his friendly, knowledgeable staff made every effort not only to educate me but also to hold my hand when I felt scared or overwhelmed and to answer my multiple questions.

Step by step my Candida and parasite elimination program unfolded, gentle yet powerful and I was feeling better every month. Allergy symptoms that I had for years eased off and almost vanished, and the energy slowly but surely started to return.
The monthly visits and tests kept me motivated to do well, and when I did do well, Michael and his staff would congratulate me and make me feel great for sticking with my diet and making progress.

It look about 8 months for me to finally eliminate the Candida and parasites and get off the crazy diet.  The benefit of not having sugar for all those months was not only loosing about 10 lb, but also establishing much healthier eating habits that I hope to keep for life.
Upon completing the Candida elimination program I was slowly eased back to a regular diet and given a way to eat according to my blood type, which I follow and recommend to my friends and family. My recent tests have shown that Candida, parasite and harmful bacteria are gone.  Without harming my body in any way, without taking any antibiotics or anti-fungal medications.

Now I am at the final phase of rebuilding my immune system, so that Candida can never return.  I cannot tell you how fantastic I feel and what an abundant energy I have. I can eat anything I want, and I never feel tired or depleted.
I am also very impressed with the way Michael tests and corrects any vitamin and mineral deficiencies in your body.  Finally I am feeling like my old self: vibrant, energetic and clear-headed.

Michael is a genius in this field and his vast experience, insight and professionalism is what I needed and was lucky enough to find. With every curve he lead me step by step in this difficult process, measuring progress and celebrating good results.

I would highly recommend this effective and sophisticated program to anybody who is really serious about getting healthy and staying that way.
My compliments and heart felt thank you to Michael Biamonte and his staff for a fantastic job well done.

Teresa K
July 2013

Why I chose the Biamonte Center Treatment

Candida has been an unwelcome companion for many a’year. Remember when the first candida book came out, identifying the connection of diet and yeast? I had the privilege of reading a hand-typed rough draft before it was even published. It was then I realized I was a Candida victim.

I have strictly followed the diet ever since (we’re talking 30-something years). As good as a carb-free diet is, in my case, it was not good enough. It helped, but it did not heal.

Through the years I’ve been to many doctors; gone through many cleansing detox programs…and nothing. No die-off. No improvement. All were good care givers; they just didn’t understand the tenacity of Candida’s hold on a body’s system.

One doctor queried, “When was the last time you felt good?” Thinking all the way back to the tender years of childhood I don’t even remember a time of feeling good( I’m now in my early 60’s). Apparently candida has been a life-time foe.

I’ve worked with a number of doctors, for a number of years, and although there was some improvement, and a lot of expense, I still couldn’t say I felt good. Another doctor put me on medication 90 times the normal dosage. Not only did it not kill the candida, I now understand it possibly transmuted and multiplied the strength of the yeast infection.

In desperation I began surfing the internet for someone with a complete grasp of the devastation of candida ,a nd full knowledge of how to treat it. The Biamonte Center caught my eye. The more I read, the longer the Biamonte Center website held my attention.

It was then that I realized, “This guy knows what he’s talking about!”

And so—In the beginning— of my story I begin with the Biamonte treatment program.

August 2013

Lighthearted Letter of Praise From a Patient

Dr. Michael Biamonte is a scientist. He does for Digestion what Albert Einstein did for Relativity. There is no one else in the world who knows the complicated workings of the gut: more specifically eradicating Candida – than Michael.

I’ve run out of adjectives in trying to describe his treatment. So if one rates a healing process by stars alone – his would fill an entire page. I know with absolute conviction that a life span is prolonged when following the Biamonte protocol.

The saying,”You are what you eat” is most of it.  Added to that, Dr. Biamonte’s protocol normalizes the intestinal tract along with any additional imbalances affecting the entire person — all done without a single Rx. In a few words — Dr. Biamonte is a Miracle!

With gratitude, Nina
October 2013

Excerpt From a Letter to the Biamonte Centre

At this point, I am totally candida and parasite free. It has been a long journey,  approximately 10 years of fighting these infections. However, after spending over $10,000 on other treatments, I found this to be the only program that actually works. Michael Biamonte has comprised a systematic, methodical method for eliminating candida and parasites, which is very powerful and effective.

What’s great about this program is that it’s specifically targets the needs of each individual patient, based on the results of their monthly urine test.  He does NOT prescribe any supplements until he receives detailed test results, which indicates exactly what going on your body.

The Biamonte Center is by far, the best program for eliminating yeast and parasites. His staff are also knowledgeable about the program, helpful and able to advise you between consultations.

Michael is available through his email service for any questions. He uses state of art methods which are considered to be cutting edge in the clinical nutrition industry. His success rate in the healing process is over 90%. The only reasons people do NOT receive a clean bill of health is they drop out the program due to lack of effort and funding.

November 2013

I found the Biamonte Center after having reoccurring yeast infections for over 6 months.

Before starting their program I tried OTC anti-fungals, antibiotics, reducing my carbohydrate intake, and every homeopathic supplement I could find at my local health food store.

No matter what I did to alleviate candida; my symptoms would go away only to return a few weeks later. Starting the program with the Biamonte Center took a major commitment of time, effort and money but it has been worth every sacrifice I’ve made.

You have to follow the program to the best of your ability but I’m almost finished with it now and I feel better than ever. I haven’t had a yeast infection in months, my digestive system is strong, and my hormones are more balanced than ever.

What I love most about their program is that it is all based on test results and there is no guess work involved. I have literally been able to watch my progress first hand. I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Biamonte and his staff – if you’re struggling from chronic candida overgrowth definitely do this program!!!

November 2013

Healing Overnight!

As you may recall in 2010 Marilia had a very severe case of polymyalgia (high blood infection and very acute pain) and was hospitalized for a few days taking a high dosage of cortisone.

Ever since she has been OK only with mild symptoms at night mainly a strong muscle contraction in the upper back so that she takes Miosan (cyclobezapyrine) before going to bed for muscle relaxation.

When the product you recommended for my knee arrived, Marilia took a capsule and found that at night she didn’t need to take Miosan and slept well.

She then went on taking one capsule every morning. She has stopped taking Miosan and says that she sleeps wonderfully without any muscle contraction whatsoever!

May 2014
(Thomas and his wife Marilla, and their son Daniel have been patients on and off for over a decade)