Phase 0 … Your Starting Point To Eliminate Candida … Parasites

By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.

“Phase 0 Your Starting Point To Eliminate Candida” Phase 0 is this the starting point in our Candida program. Without phase 0, patients can get strong herxhiemer reactions from the phases 1 and 2 which are the most aggressive of the program.

Many years ago I discovered that parasites could cause Candida. This is covered in other articles and writings that you can find on our Web site. The exact mechanics of this is simple. Parasite destroy friendly flora just like antibiotics do. Many parasites excrete ammonia and other toxic chemicals that destroy friendly flora like acidophilus. Some parasites also depress the immune response in the intestinal tract allowing yeasts to overgrow. Anything that destroys friendly flora can cause an overgrowth of Candida since friendly flora holds Candida in check.

Constipation can also cause Candida, by causing the bowel ph to be come far too alkaline and encourage the growth of parasites. Candida likes a slow moving toxic bowel. The intention of phase 0 is to both prevent or correct constipation and eliminate some of the parasites/ candida living on the surface of the intestinal tract. Notice I say some!

Phase 0 will not remove it all nor is it intended to do so. Its purpose is to remove enough of the organisms during a one month period as to allow the following phases to cause less reaction and to work faster.

Another purpose of Phase 0 is to eliminate enough of the parasites from the lining of the intestinal tract so that the person will not quickly relapse on Phase 1. Phs0 also eliminates the top layers of Candida growth so there is less die-off from Phase 1 that could make you feel sick. This also allows the Phase 1 rotation to absorb faster and deeper into your system.

There are generally 3 supplements used on Phase 0, although others could be used depending on the patient’s case.


One of the supplements used on Phase 0 chemically loosens the Candida and Parasites off the walls of the intestinal tract. This product contains substances that break the glue like bonds that the organisms use to attach or adhere to the intestinal lining. The ingredients in this product also help to heal “leaky gut” to a minor degree. As long as there is significant candida growth in the intestines the leaky gut will not be able to heal. However this product can heal it enough as to help cut back some of the reactions that the patient may have to foods, chemicals and to the products that eliminate the candida.


Another one physically scraps it off by tearing into them outside membrane as if they were being attacked by thousands of tiny knives. It contains Diatomaceous (die-a-toe-may-shus) Earth. It consists of the broken up shells of tiny critters, called diatomes, that lived long ago and died in groups so massive that they can, today, be mined and bulldozed.

“DE”, as it’s abbreviated, has the neat quality of killing insects. (Unfortunately, it kills good ones, like bees and ladybugs, too, so its use shouldn’t be indiscriminate.) It is 100% ecologically safe to the environment and non-poisonous to man and beast. In fact, if you’ve eaten anything made with flour (like Bisquick), you’ve eaten DE. DE is a great remover of parasites and intestinal yeasts

DE works by slicing open the exoskeleton (outer, hard covering) of insects, causing them to “bleed” to death. (Actually, their insides leak out, they dehydrate and die.) This same things happens to yeasts and parasites

When DE is sprinkled on the ground, on an ant mound, or mixed with grains, legumes, etc., it slices and dices the insects that walk through it And it won’t hurt YOU when you ingest it, ’cause the ‘sharp pieces’ are too small to cut you as your membranes are to thick for it to penetrate. (Many farmers deliberately mix DE with animal feed to kill internal parasites in farm animals. The DE in the animal feces even kills the fly maggots that invariably appear in the patties.)


The last of the 3 products is used to absorb the loosened Candida and parasites and carry them out of the body. This product contains 6 key ingredients that absorb the organisms much like a sponge and carry them out of the intestinal tract. The product can be used in higher doses as a mild laxative or cleanser. It helps to remove the decaying wastes of parasites and yeasts so that the do not cause toxic reactions.

Because the Phase 0 products do not attack Candida chemically, they do not need to be rotated. Only substances that chemically kill Candida can become ineffective due to an immunity developing. Substances that work mechanically continue to work. If you were trying to poison someone, their body could develop an immunity to the poison, but if you then started to beat them over the head with a bat, they would not develop and immunity to the bat.

Phase 0 is not expected to produce a symptomatic improvement in the patient, though many people report improvements. However, we do not expect any noticeable change except for the bowels moving a bit more. Phase 0 is continues throughout the Phase 1 rotation program and into the Phase 2 Intestinal Candida Elimination program.

We have found that it takes no less 6 months to eliminate Candida and in some cases up to one year. This is because Candida grows deep into the intestinal tract like mold grows into cheese or bread. Regardless of how strong the medicine is, it takes time for the medicine to absorb deeper and deeper into the tissues. This is why medical drugs are not a workable solution for Candida elimination. They are too toxic to be taken for the length of time necessary to eliminate the Candida.

This is why the Phase 0 program is continued throughout Phase 1 & Phase 2, we need to be constantly scrubbing off the next layer of Candida that comes to the surface as old layers of skin die and are thrown off. The new layer growing beneath will reveal the next layer of Candida.

Phase 0 sometimes can eliminate mild cases of parasites and Candida without further protocols. It can be used a general bowel cleanse as well. But its most important function is as your first step in eliminating your Candida.


Mucins are naturally produced in the intestinal tract of all mammals. They have the same effect as the wax we use on our floors or cars. They protect the intestinal cells from allergens and from reacting to our own friendly flora. Whether it’s the eyes, sinuses, throat, chest or intestinal tract, mucin (from colixen) provides a first line of defense. Mucin is a protein that forms a protective gel layer over all mucous membranes of the body. In the intestinal tract, mucins protect the intestinal lining from the hostile environment of bacteria, viruses and toxins.

Often when someone react very adversely to all supplements and foods, they need to take Mucins for several weeks before attempting the phase 0 program. In most cases the use of Mucins allow the person to tolerate the program. In rare cases an actual leaky gut protocol most be used to heal up the gut to some degree before starting or getting back on phase 0. We only expect the leaky gut program to improve the patient to the point where he can get on the program. Then when the candida is eliminated the leaky gut program is done in full as the last step of phase 2.

Geesey, G.G., Wigglesworth-Cooksey, B. and Cooksey, K.E. [2000], Influence of calcium and other divalent cations on surface adhesion of bacteria and diatoms., Biofouling 15:195-205