More information from the Biamonte center for clinical nutrition


My name is Danielle DeSimone I am the office manager at the Biamonte Center, Thank you for your interest in our center. We are experts in The Candida Syndrome, Parasite, leaky gut and hormone imbalances. We have specialized in these problems for over 15 years.

We help many people all over the world. We understand that having these problems can change your life. When one is going through these problems they need to be in communication with their healthcare provider. We are always available Monday – Saturday to answer any questions or handle problems that you have once you start our program. We are also available by email. What makes us different is that we will identify the problems right away by testing you and get you on the right program. Our goal is to have you back to a healthy normal life. The great thing about our program is that it can be done long distance. 85% of our practice is done by phone. We have patients all over the world.

Dr. Biamonte handles candida as well as many other things including toxic metals, hormone problems, constipation, thyroid problems, weight loss, Diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, etc. These problems are often found with Candida. Candida is a yeast that grows in the intestinal tract. It is normal to have small amounts of candida so the friendly and protective bacteria (acidophilus and bifidus) can use it as food.

The most common causes of candida are as follows.
1. Antibiotics
2. Birth control pills
3. Excessive stress and elevated cortisol levels
4. Tap water consumption
5. Parasites and worms
6. High estrogen
7. Toxic metals
Keep in mind if you have a question during the program you can email it or call at no charge. The only time there is a charge is when you are scheduled for your regular appointment, when a test result comes in, or if there are adjustments that need to be made to your program. The appointments can be spaced out to fit your budget.

Consultation fees:

Brief Consultation Fee……………………………………………………………..$40.00
A brief consultation is generally less then 10 minutes and is scheduled in order to address, questions, concerns or new difficulties that develop between regularly scheduled monthly consultations.

Basic Consultation Fee…………………………………………………………….$90.00
The Basic consultation is generally more then 10 minutes or is used to go over major changes to the program, or to interpret the results of the Basic Home Test and adjust Phase 0-4 programs.

Basic Test Consultation…………………………………………………………..$130.00
The test consultation covers a major test other then the home kit and is used to create or adjust a phase 0-4 program. This can be used as a regular monthly consultation.

Extended Consultation……………………………………………………………$180.00
The extended consultation is generally more then 10 minutes and used to interpret 2 or more tests. This can take the place of a basic monthly consultation. These consultations generally require additional research or consultation with consultants at the lab performing the test or with “Nutritional Interpretations”, to take into account current program and health history.

Review Consultation………………………………………………………………$110.00
The Review consultation is used to review a major lab test between regular monthly consultations. These often require the same preparation as extended consultations.

Brief Review Consultation…………………………………………………………$60.00
this consultation requires similar but less preparation then the Review consultation and tends to be less the 10 minutes.

Report of Findings Consultation………………………………………………..$180.00
This is the second consultation done after the initial test results are received. The Consultation is generally 15-30 minutes. The initial program is explained and begun.

Initial Consultation………………………………………………………………..$240.00
At this consultation a review of past health and nutritional history is discussed. The necessary testing is explained and the proposed program is outlined. An initial program may be begun

The candida test that monitors the program is $125. This test is done every so often to moniter the program. This test will tell us what we need to know in order for you to move on to the next phase. There is other testing down the road. That could be anywhere from $300 – $700. These could include:

Toxic metals
Leaky gut syndrome
Genetic testing
Computerized nutritional interpretation (this is usually done at the end of the program to see what the body is deficient in)
And more.
In Good Health,

Danielle DeSimone
Office Manager
email address:


By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.

Many years ago Dr. Broda Barnes M.D., wrote a book called HYPOTHYROIDISM THE UNSUSPECTED ILLNESS. Dr. Barnes brought light to low thyroid conditions as an unsuspected cause of numerous health disorders. Dr. Barnes made popular the procedure of testing one’s underarm body temperature the very first thing in the morning to discover one’s thyroid efficiency and clearly proved that a condition of low thyroid function can exist even if one’s blood tests are normal. When Dr. Barnes found a patient who had lower body temperature than normal, the doctor would treat him with thyroid medication. The patient would them miraculously improve. More recently, Dr. Denis Wilson M.D. also wrote a book called WILSON’S SYNDROME. Dr. Wilson expanded the theory of Dr. Barnes and advanced the treatment.

Both Drs. Barnes and Wilson have discovered a condition where the thyroid appears normal based on blood work but, in actual fact, a low body temperature exits and a low metabolism exists. SYMPTOMS OF LOW THYROID INCLUDE:


Thyroid function can break down for various reasons. Here is a simple explanation of what can go wrong.
1. Thyroid hormone is made from a protein called TYROSINE. Tyrosine can be made by converting phenalalinine, another protein, into tyrosine. This is done using iron. If iron is too low, this will not occur.
2. Once tyrosine is made, it goes to the thyroid gland. The mineral mangansese is then used to help convert it into thyroxin. Thyroxin is also called T4. This is the same substance that doctors give as medication. Iodine found in kelp and sea food is also involved.
3. Once thyroxin is made it goes to the liver. Some of it is set aside as reserve.This is called reserve T4.The body puts some in reserve for times of illness or stress. In the liver, it is changed to T3. T3 is actually the hormone the body will later use.
This conversion is dependent upon zinc. Excessive levels of copper will interfere with this conversion.
4. Once converted, T3 must be accepted by the cells of our body. Our cells are more or less responsive to T3. Excess amounts of calcium make the cells less responsive while potassium makes them more responsive.
5. Once in the cell, the mineral selenium helps the hormone work. Low levels of the mineral will cause inactivity of the hormone. Selenium also helps the production of an enzyme that aids in the conversion of T4 to T3.

Imbalances of the above nutrients can cause a condition where the enzymes involved in T3 conversion and in helping the hormone to work can be hogged by reserve T4. During times of illness and stress the body forms more reserve T4 thinking it will soon need it.

The basis of low thyroid conditions that do not show up in blood work is that the nutrients involved in the conversion of T4 to T3 and that help it work become too low. So, while the hormone levels may show up normal in the blood, the hormone is of poor quality and does not work well.


A four step program has recently been developed to help restore proper thyroid function. The first step is to eliminate any infections, particularly viruses, which can attack the thyroid. The next step is to detoxify the liver and digestive tract so that the nutrients needed for thyroid function can be utilized.

The third step is to detoxify the body from toxic metals such as mercury and copper which are commonly found in excess in low thyroid function. The last step is to rebalance the body with any of the above mentioned nutrients.

When the body has accumulated proper levels of nutrients, the thyroid has a chance to begin working again. We have seen that body temperatures begin to rise again after a few months in most cases. SYNTHETIC MEDICATION MANY TIMES DOESN’T WORK

Some times patients who are put on medication will find that after an initial improvement, their symptoms either return or even worsen. This is because after taking thyroid medication the thyroid gland will actually stop producing thyroid on its own. Also, some people have an auto-immune problem where their own body is attacking the thyroid gland. It usually does this as a result of a viral or parasitic infection in the gland. Once the infection is eliminated, the person must be very careful to not take anything too stimulating to the thyroid as it can cause the immune system to attack the gland.

The most important thing is to be tested by a nutritionist in order to determine if you have any vitamin or mineral imbalances that are involved in thyroid function. Excesses of vitamins and minerals can also cause this condition by blocking the function of the nutrients above. Diets low in protein and high in fats can interfere with thyroid function. Adequate protein is required in order to produce thyroid hormone. Fat has been found to be antagonistic to thyroid function and lower metabolism.
Thiocyanates found in vegetables from the cabbage family have an antagonistic effect to the thyroid. Excessive intake of thiocyanates can cause a disease called goiter. Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. The thyroid also becomes slow and underactive.

The good news is that there is hope in correcting slow thyroid function in many people. Age is not a factor. As long as someone still has a portion of their thyroid gland undamaged, it is possible that it may begin to produce the hormone again on its own.

Michael Biamonte holds a Doctorate of Nutripathy, a Degree in Natural Healing, and a Master’s in Clinical Nutrition. He is affiliated with the International Academy of Clinical Nutritionists and the International Academy of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine. He is listed in “The Directory of Distinguished Americans” for his research in Nutrition and Physiology

WHAT REALLY WORKS! 1. First eliminate “Parasites.” They can cause Candida by killing the friendly bacteria just like antibiotics do. Candida is now attacked using natural herbs that can kill it throughout the body. These herbs can also kill it in the intestines at the same time. That gives us a head start! These herbs are not taken all together every day because the Candida will get use to them. So they must be taken alone, one at a time. We usually use 4 different ones taken each one alone for 4 days.

2. Candida must be cleaned out from the intestines. At this point we use a different type of natural Candida killer that can concentrate all its power on intestinal elimination. These substances can reach yeast that is hiding in the folds of the intestines. While we do this we also clean out the whole digestive tract so the killers can contact and reach any Candida that might be buried under old mucus or hardened feces. After this is complete friendly acidophilus and bifidus bacteria are given. This prevents the Candida from growing right back. Any damage done to the intestines can be repaired at this time. Special vitamin formulations are used that will reduce inflammation and reform healthy tissue. Then we can rebalance what went wrong that caused the Candida to grow per the stool test we talked about before.

3. Candida causes vitamin deficiencies by preventing their absorption. Now we can take vitamins without getting bad reactions and no results. When Candida is eliminated we can begin to take nutrients and ABSORB THE AGAIN! Now we can feel results from them!

4. Finally, the immune system can be strengthened without having to battle a continuous infection! The immune system rarely recovers while Candida is still there.

I can assure you that if each phase is done, in order to full completion, the chances are unlikely that the patient will relapse and unlikely that he or she will still have the underlying weakness which led to going on the antibiotic that may have induced the yeast infection to begin with.

My experience is that practitioners concentrate only one of these four phases and neglect the other three. Look at it again. You reduce the infection first, so you will not produce further toxins so that your colon or detoxifying regime will be finite and effective. You then normalize endocrine function. Any toxins store in the thyroid directly, a good example is mercury. Opening up channels of elimination as in phase two allow for further cellular detox and endocrine function to resume. Since the adrenal glands also have a powerful immune stimulation, (sympathetic innervated immune response), phase three opens up to phase four reestablishing correct immune response. So there you have it. This is the solution and correct path to handling this modern scourge. I wish you well.

In good health,

Danielle DeSimone-Koester
Office Manager