My name is Danielle,
I am Dr. Biamonte’s assistant.
Thank you for your interest in our center.
We specialize in candida, parasites, leaky gut syndrome, hormone imbalances, toxic metal exposure, mercury poisoning, hair loss, weight problems, skin problems, adrenal burnout, diabetes, constipation and depression. We have specialized in these areas for over 15 years. These problems are often found with people that have a candida overgrowth. Candida is a yeast that grows in the intestinal tract. Keep in mind that everyone has normal amounts of candida in their body. This is so the friendly bacteria (acidophilus and bifidus) can use it as food.
The most common causes of candida are as follows.
1. Antibiotics
2. Birth control pills
3. Excessive stress and elevated cortisol levels
4. Tap water consumption
5. Parasites and worms
6. High estrogen
7. Toxic metals.
Keep in mind that these are only some of the causes. There are many more.
Our candida program consists of 5 phases.
Phases 0 – 4.
Phase 0: this phase will handle constipation or diarrhea and cleanses the bowels from bacteria and parasites. Constipation can keep you from handling the overgrowth in your body. As long as you are constipated, you are holding toxins in your body. It gets the bowels moving regularly and prepares the body for phase 1. Here is an article about phase 0 so you can understand exactly what is involved. Phase 0 … Your Starting Point To Eliminate Candida … Parasites By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.
Phase 0 is this the starting point in our Candida program. Without Phase 0, patients can get strong herxhiemer (die off) reactions from the phases 1 and 2 which are the most aggressive of the program.
Many years ago I discovered that parasites could cause Candida. This is covered in other articles you can find on our web site. The exact mechanics of this is simple. Parasites destroy friendly flora just like antibiotics do.
Many parasites excrete ammonia and other toxic chemicals that destroy friendly flora like acidophilus. Some parasites also depress the immune response in the intestinal tract allowing yeasts to overgrow. Anything that destroys friendly flora can cause an overgrowth of Candida since friendly flora holds Candida in check.
Constipation can also cause Candida, by causing the bowel PH to become far too alkaline and encourage the growth of parasites. Candida likes a slow moving toxic bowel. The intention of phase 0 is to both prevent or correct constipation and eliminate some of the parasites/ Candida living on the surface of the intestinal tract, notice I say some!
Phase 0 will not remove it all, nor is it intended to do so. Its purpose is to remove enough of the organisms during a one month period as to allow the following phases to cause less reaction and to work faster.
Another purpose of Phase 0 is to eliminate enough of the parasites from the lining of the intestinal tract so that the person will not quickly relapse on Phase 1. Phase 0 also eliminates the top layers of Candida growth so there is less die-off from Phase 1 that could make you feel sick. This also allows the Phase 1 rotation to absorb faster and deeper into your system.
There are generally three supplements used on Phase 0, although others may be used depending on the patient’s case.
One of the supplements used on Phase 0 chemically loosens the Candida and Parasites from the walls of the intestinal tract. This product contains substances that break the glue like bonds that the organisms use to attach or adhere to the intestinal lining.
The ingredients in this product also help to heal “leaky gut” to a minor degree. As long as there is significant Candida growth in the intestines the leaky gut will not be able to heal. However this product can heal it enough as to help cut back some of the reactions that the patient may have to foods, chemicals and to the products that eliminate the candida.
Another one physically scrapes it off by tearing into them outside membrane as if they were being attacked by thousands of tiny knives. It contains Diatomaceous (die-a-toe-may-shus) Earth. It consists of the broken up shells of tiny critters, called diatomes, that lived long ago and died in groups so massive that they can, today, be mined and bulldozed.
“DE”, as it’s abbreviated, has the neat quality of killing insects. (Unfortunately, it kills good ones, like bees and ladybugs, too, so its use shouldn’t be indiscriminate.) It is 100% ecologically safe to the environment and non-poisonous to man and beast. In fact, if you’ve eaten anything made with flour (like Bisquick), you’ve eaten DE. DE is a great remover of parasites and intestinal yeasts
DE works by slicing open the exoskeleton (outer, hard covering) of insects, causing them to “bleed” to death. (Actually, their insides leak out, then they dehydrate and die.) This same things happens to yeasts and parasites
When DE is sprinkled on the ground, on an ant mound, or mixed with grains, legumes, etc., it slices and dices the insects that walk through it And it won’t hurt YOU when you ingest it, because the ‘sharp pieces’ are too small to cut you and your membranes are to thick for it to penetrate. (Many farmers deliberately mix DE with animal feed to kill internal parasites in farm animals. The DE in the animal feces even kills the fly maggots that invariably appear in manure.)
The last of the 3 products is used to absorb the loosened Candida and parasites and carry them out of the body. This product contains 6 key ingredients that absorb the organisms much like a sponge and carry them out of the intestinal tract. The product can be used in higher doses as a mild laxative or cleanser. It helps to remove the decaying wastes of parasites and yeasts so that the do not cause toxic reactions.
Because the Phase 0 products do not attack Candida chemically, they do not need to be rotated. Only substances that chemically kill Candida can become ineffective due to an immunity developing. Substances that work mechanically continue to work. If you were trying to poison someone, their body could develop immunity to the poison, but if you then started to beat them over the head with a bat, they obviously would not develop immunity to the bat.
Phase 0 is not expected to produce a symptomatic improvement in client, though many people do report improvements. However, we do not expect any noticeable change except for the bowels moving a bit more. Phase 0 is continues throughout the Phase 1 rotation program and into the Phase 2 Intestinal Candida Elimination program.
We have found that it takes no less than six months to eliminate Candida and in some cases up to one year. This is because Candida grows deep into the intestinal tract like mold grows into cheese or bread. Regardless of how strong the medicine is, it takes time for the medicine to absorb deeper and deeper into the tissues.
This is one reason medical drugs are not an effective solution for Candida elimination. They are too toxic to be taken for the length of time necessary to eliminate the Candida.
This is why the Phase 0 program is continued throughout Phase 1 & Phase 2, we need to be constantly scrubbing off the next layer of Candida that comes to the surface as old layers of skin die and are thrown off. The new layer growing beneath will reveal the next layer of Candida.
Phase 0 sometimes can eliminate mild cases of parasites and Candida without further protocols. It can be used a general bowel cleanse as well. But its most important function is as your first step in eliminating your Candida.
Mucins are naturally produced in the intestinal tract of all mammals. They have the same effect as the wax we use on our floors or cars. They protect the intestinal cells from allergens and from reacting to our own friendly flora.
Whether it’s the eyes, sinuses, throat, chest or intestinal tract, mucin (from colixen) provides a first line of defense. Mucin is a protein that forms a protective gel layer over all mucous membranes of the body. In the intestinal tract, mucins protect the intestinal lining from the hostile environment of bacteria, viruses and toxins.
Often when someone reacts very adversely to all supplements and foods, they need to take Mucins for several weeks before attempting the phase 0 program. In most cases the use of Mucins allow the person to tolerate the program. In rare cases an actual leaky gut protocol most be used to heal up the gut to some degree before starting or getting back on phase 0. We only expect the leaky gut program to improve the patient to the point where he can get on the program. Then when the Candida is eliminated the leaky gut program is done in full as the last step of phase 2.
By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.
A series of advances in the elimination of the Candida Albicans organism has been recently accomplished. These advances have been found to greatly speed up and stabilize the results already obtained by our methods.
Candida infection elimination has been broken down into four phases or sections.
In Phase I the purpose is to destroy Candida organisms that have traveled to other areas of the body. This phase also destroys the majority of the yeast which lies in the small and large intestines. This is accomplished by using 4 to 5 natural substances which have the ability to do the following: 1) dissolve the outside membrane (skin) of the Candida, 2) interfere with its own breathing mechanism, 3) poison it, 4) alter its surroundings so that it cannot feed, thereby starving it.
These substances are used in a rotation. Only one is taken for a period of 4 days. It is then discontinued and a new one is begun. This procedure is continued until all have been used and the first one is again repeated. The purpose of this is to prevent the yeast from developing a resistance to the substances.
It has been found that particularly in those who have previously used Nystatin (a commonly used prescription yeast medicine), that their strains of yeast are tougher to kill. This is because yeast organisms develop a resistance to Nystatin and thereafter are smarter and more resistant.
A new substance called Ergo Transferrin has been developed which is now used daily along with the rotated items. This substance is natural and resembles Vitamin D. It blocks the yeast from being able to absorb iron which it needs to develop a resistance to any yeast killer. This makes even the most stubborn case easier to deal with.
The next major breakthrough is in the second step, called Phase II.
Normally, this phase is when we cleanse and remove old debris and mucus from the bowel that provide food and shelter for the Candida infection. Candida loves to hide in old, caked-up fecal wastes surrounded by old mucus, and munch on your improperly digested sugars or starches.
It has been discovered that if, while we are loosening and cleansing out this old material, we also take special Candida infection killers which can coat or line the intestines, we accomplish a total destruction of the Candida organism.
This is similar to using a pipe cleaner to remove the excess rust from a pipe, and then pouring oil into the pipe which will coat it. However, in our case, the oils we use are powerful yeast/fungus killers which can coat the intestines, reaching hard to get at places. These oils also absorb into the lining of the intestines, killing the yeast/fungus at its roots.
If this was not done, the remaining 5-15% of the Candida infection which was not killed by Phase I could begin to multiply, and in several weeks become a large quantity once again.
These substances that are used come in four different chemical forms, but all create the same effect.
After this mop up of the remaining yeast has been accomplished, we must concern ourselves with re-introducing friendly bacteria. This bacteria lives in the small and large intestine (also called the colon), and is responsible for stopping the yeast/fungus from growing and spreading in the first place.
This bacteria is called Bifidus and another is called Acidophilus. Two major breakthroughs have been made in this area.
After having used 20 or more different health food store brands of bacteria, and testing the patient to see if it had regrown in the body, we disappointingly found it had not. We then discovered a substance called Fructo Oligo Saccharide. This is a sugar found in some foods. We found that it can feed friendly bacteria selectively and not feed harmful organisms. It produced a fast and dramatic increase of these friendly bacteria in test subjects, far better than actually taking the bacteria.
We then discovered a very powerful strain of these bacteria which when combined with the Fructo Oligo Saccharide brings about the fastest return of the friendly yeast-stopping bacteria possible.
We have found that in order to achieve permanent results, these substances should be taken for at least 6 months, if not a full year, to ensure that they completely out-number the normal small amounts of yeast/fungus which naturally live in the body.
We have also found the chances of someone having yeast and parasites such as amoebas, giardia, or worms are very high. We have found that one of the primary reasons people relapse from Candida is due to having parasites and/or worms, which have been missed by stool or other tests. It is not possible to get rid of Candida as long as parasites or worms are present.
Due to this fact, we have built into Phase II a special system which kills and flushes these out of the body. This helps the friendly bacteria to fully return and keep the yeast/fungus from ever coming back.
Phase 2: this phase eliminates the candida very deep in your intestinal tract. Most importantly, it establishes friendly bacteria in the intestines and repairs the intestines. This is the point where leaky gut that will be that will be handled as well. Leaky gut syndrome symptoms are as follows:
1. Arthritis
2. Allergies to foods and environment
3. Sinus problems
4. Asthma
5. Skin rashes and reactions
6. Chemical sensitivities
Here is an article on phase 2 and leaky gut syndrome:
CANDIDA ELIMINATION Part II (Will You Ever Get Off That Crazy Diet?)
By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.
Phase 1 is the “work horse phase”. It will eliminate most of the yeast in the persons system. It will kill the majority of yeast in the intestinal tract. However it will not get it all. The remaining yeast lies deeply buried in the intestinal tract. If left untouched it will begin to grow like a weed coming up from the ground and soon cause a total relapse.
Phase 2 Antifungals
The 1st section of phase 2 is actually the most powerful part of our program. In this section we use very powerful intestinal yeast killers. These only work in the intestinal tract. The purpose of them is to destroy any remaining intestinal yeast so that a relapse will not occur. These substances absorb very deep into the lining of the intestinal as oil would absorb into leather. They destroy the “root system” that the candida organism grows into the intestinal lining that will “tap” into small blood vessels looking for sugar. These “roots” also cans cause “leaky gut syndrome”.
At this point on the program the most powerful bombs are being dropped to reach the enemy that is buried very deep in the trenches. These substances are taken in rotation for 1 week each. They can cause a temporary flare up of rectal itching, flu like symptoms and vaginal yeast infections. If these reactions occur they occur due to a “die-off” reaction. As candida in the fungal form “switches” to yeast form this reaction will occur. This is like the “chameleon” changing color to escape and attacking enemy. These can be thought of as a sign that the program is killing the last of the candida, but these reactions are not necessary to conclude it is successfully. The phase anti-fungals are gradually increased until we are on a dose high enough to complete saturate the intestinal tract. Die off reactions can occur as the doses are increased. When die off symptoms subside and indications of die-off in our urine test reduce these products are lowered and then discontinued.
Intestinal Flora
The acidophilus and bifidus bacteria supplements are added after several weeks on the phase 2 Antifungals. These friendly bacteria typically cause gas and bloating. This is the die-off response to the friendly bacteria. Friendly bacteria literally eats yeasts and release gas. We add the “friendly flora” several weeks after the Phase 2 anti-fungals. This gives the Antifungals time to reduce the intestinal yeast so that the gas and bloat will not be so extreme. Someone who has tremendous gas and bloat after taking acidophilus usually has excessive intestinal candida.
In the second phase of Candida elimination, there are several other goals;
1. Eliminate old debris (fecal matter) from the bowel. Old, decaying food trapped in the bowel serves as food for yeast cells.
2. Establish normal Lactobacillus and E-coli bacteria. Once Candida is eliminated and the old debris gone, Lactobacillus can grow in the bowel and feed on any remaining yeast, keeping it in check the way nature intended.
3. Strengthen digestion. Correction, production, and secretion of digestive fluids from the stomach, pancreas, and bile from the liver are all important to supporting the friendly bacteria while creating a poor environment for harmful organisms to grow.
4. Repair the intestines. Leaky gut — which means the intestines have been damaged, causing them to leak substances into the blood — is the prime cause of allergies and many of the reactions those with chronic Candida and parasites get. Using special nutritional preparations, the intestines can be repaired.
5. Restore the normal immune function to the intestinal tract. The intestines have their immune functions and substances. Certain fats are used in the intestinal tract to produce natural anti-fungal substances by the body. Certain bacteria, as well as friendly yeasts, guard and attack Candida. Of course, the chronic Candida sufferer has had these functions knocked out.
Once the Candida has been destroyed and eliminated by Phase I, these actions on Phase II push the boulder in front of the cave opening so the Candida will have a difficult time returning. Many Candida-like reactions are caused by the damage Candida creates in the intestines. These reactions remain long after the Candida is gone. This second Phase eliminates these reactions. After Phase II, the person finally gets off the “crazy Candida diet.” No food can really cause Candida. Eating yeast doesn’t cause Candida because food yeast are dead and not harmful. Candida can only be worsened or fed by eating some foods. Once Phase II is over, only foods that the person is still allergic to will cause any reaction. Eliminating the old debris (known as colon cleansing) can be done, using herbal/fiber drinks or capsules or by using colonics. If colonics are used, acidophilus must be put in the colonic water during the few final treatments, so it may re-grow in the bowel. If this is not done, it may be taken as an enema. I have not seen results with having patients take acidophilus orally. I have tested many peoples’ stools for acidophilus after they had been taking it for several months, only to find very little, as it was killed by their digestive juices. Many herbs and digestive supplements can be used to help digestion. Some are only crutches, while others actually work to strengthen and tone the digestive system. Once the initial steps of Phase II are done, the person will be able to utilize vitamins and minerals again. They are first used with certain herbs and amino acids to help repair the intestines.
This is an important end result of this Phase. Many times, if the person has lost too much weight from Candida and can’t gain it back, this phase enables them to regain lost weight. On Phase II parasites can also be eliminated. Most parasites are eliminated more easily when bowel cleansing is done. They are flushed out of the bowel while they are being killed with our remedies. It is their roller-coaster ride on their way to the ocean. The importance of Phase II is that the person must be cleansed so normal protective bacteria can grow back. And his own digestion and absorption of nutrients is returned, so he can utilize the nutrients on Phase III (which returns the energy) and Phase IV (which brings the immune system back to normal so one never again gets Candida — and, as many of my patients say, “Have to go on that damned diet again”). Phase II marks the end of needing that diet. The only reason so many health professionals rely so heavily on the Candida diet is that they have no other solution. For us, the diet is very temporary. If Phase II is not done successfully, a patient can go into the relapse within only a few months of completing Phase I, and killing all the Candida. So it must be done right. Phase III and IV will also fail if II is not complete, as the patient will not properly absorb his vitamins. Many urine tests are done in my office to ensure that the bowels are cleansed, normal bacteria is returning, and nutrients are now being absorbed. So, as for Phase II, complete it and you’ll be off that crazy Candida diet!
Does it Explain Why Your Candida won’t go away?
By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.
Leaky Gut Syndrome -Is a very common condition in this day and age. It is the cause of much or our modern autoimmune illness, IBS, Chrons disease, allergies, asthma, food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, arthritic conditions etc. It is an illness that depicts our modern times.
A gut which has become inflamed and will become very porous, (much more porous than it should be), it will allow large food proteins, bacteria, fungi, metals and toxic substances straight into our blood stream. This is the basis of “Leaky Gut Syndrome”
In more scientific language, an increase in permeability of the intestinal mucosa to luminal macromolecules, antigens and toxins associated with inflammatory degenerative and/or atrophic mucosal damage. Once in the blood stream our immune system is the last line of defense to deal with these substances and it will eventually get overwhelmed if a Leaky Gut is not rectified.
Cause of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Our intestinal lining replaces itself approximately every 24 hours. This means that every cell that the lining is composed of is digested or sloughed off, and a new one grows to take its place. All this activity means the gut uses more blood when it is resting than any other organ but it is also the first to lose its blood supply when in a fight or flight situation, which is what stress is. If you have a lot of stress then your gut will always be starved for blood and the lining will be impaired.
The key and most common cause of Leaky Gut is Candida. Candida is a yeast-fungal organism that grows roots like a plant. These roots grow into and through your intestinal tract looking for food. These roots break through the intestinal lining and cause the leaky gut!
The Big Confusion
Leaky gut causes many of the severe symptoms of Candida. Removing Candida can often help Leaky Gut; removing Candida often does not heal the Leaky Gut unto itself. After Candida is gone, Leaky Gut is still there and so are the Leaky Gut symptoms. So the person thinks he has Candida. They are right to think it is still Candida because the Candida caused the Leaky Gut and its symptoms in the first place. But After the Candida is gone the Leaky Gut remains so the person still thinks that Candida is there. Well it’s not! And if the person and the Doctor continue to treat the Candida they get no improvement because what they should be treating is the Leaky Gut!
Acidophillus Makes me Sick!
When one has Leaky Gut they lose their “Mucin Layer’ Mucins protect your intestinal cells and act like a barrier similar to wax on your car or wood floor. When the Mucin layer is gone due to Leaky Gut you may react allergicly to Acidophilus. If Acidophilus makes you bloat, gas, itch, or gives you rashes, hives, flu symptoms and allergy reactions you may have Leaky Gut Syndrome. Other factors that cause or worsen Leaky Gut Syndrome are:
• Alcohol and caffeine, which irritate the gut wall, this includes cokes (diet and regular), chocolate, coffee, and cocoa.
• Contaminated foods, E. coli and other bacteria’s can develop due to poor food handling.
• Chemicals found in processed and fermented foods (dyes and preservatives), wine, vinegar, soy sauce, tofu, etc.
• A diet high in refined sugars and other carbohydrates (e.g. candy, cookies, sodas, processed foods and white bread).
• Foods contaminated by parasites (pork, chicken, fresh water and hatchery fish).
• Antibiotic use-this causes an overgrowth of fungi (yeast) in the gut due to the immune suppression that occurs.
• Ingestion of animal products that have been given hormonal and antibiotic treatments.
• NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The Mucous System’s Role
The mucous system in our nasal passages flushes bacteria and viral particles into our stomach where the HCl Acid should kill them. Any that get through to a normal gut should eventually be excreted. Of course a Leaky Gut will let them into the bloodstream. When leaky gut is improved;
• Air-borne allergy-causing contaminants such as household dust (mite feces); pollens etc. can be shielded from entering the tissue of the lungs and nasal passages, thus reducing the affects of hay fever and asthma.
• Industrial contaminants such as exhaust gasses, solvents etc. are also hindered.
• Parasites, such as Cryptosporidium, giardia, salmonella, even hookworm can be dissuaded from entering the walls of the stomach and intestines. This coating can also provide a hostile living environment for parasites.
• Provide a shield to prevent the roots of the candida yeast culture from penetrating the intestine wall, thus reducing the severity of this disease.
Undigested food and toxins are deterred from entering the blood stream through a leaky gut thus reducing one of the most common causes of allergies and autoimmune diseases.
The 7 stages of the ‘inflamed’ gut
1. When the gut is inflamed, it does not absorb nutrients and foods properly and so fatigue and bloating can occur.
2. As mentioned previously, when large food particles are absorbed there is the creation of food allergies and new symptoms with target organs, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.
3. When the gut is inflamed the carrier proteins are damaged so nutrient deficiencies occur which can also cause any symptom, like magnesium deficiency induced muscle spasm or copper deficiency induced high cholesterol.
4. Likewise when the detox pathways that line the gut are compromised, chemical sensitivity can arise. Furthermore the leakage of toxins overburdens the liver so that the body is less able to handle everyday chemicals.
5. When the gut lining is inflamed the protective coating of lgA (immunoglobulin A) is adversely affected and the body is not able to ward off protozoa, bacteria, viruses and yeast’s like candida.
6. When the intestinal lining is inflamed, bacteria and yeast’s are able to translocate. This means that they are able to pass from the gut lumen or cavity, into the bloodstream and set up infection anywhere else in the body.
7. The worst symptom is the formation of antibodies. Sometimes these leak across and look similar to antigens on our own tissues. Consequently, when an antibody is made to attack it, it also attacks our tissue. This is probably how autoimmune disease s tart. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroiditis and many others are members of this ever-growing category of ‘incurable’ diseases. Diseases Caused By Leaky Gut Syndrome
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
• Rheumatoid Arthritis,
• Asthma,
• Multiple Sclerosis,
• Fibromyalgia,
• Vasculitis,
• Crohn’s Disease,
• Addison’s Disease,
• Lupus,
• Thyroiditis,
These are only some of the autoimmune disorders that are all treated very effectively when a leaky gut is healed.
The inflammation caused by Leaky Gut Syndrome also damages the protective coating of Mucins in the intestinal tract. Mucins are a protective barrier similar to the wax on ones floor.
Damage also occurs to the antibodies of the IgA family (immunoglobins) normally present in a healthy gut. The IgA’s help our body to ward off infections, however, a leaky gut causes considerable damage to the immune system (IgA’s) and makes us less resistant to viruses, bacteria’s, parasites, toxic materials, metals and candida.
Another problem a leaky gut creates is a mineral deficiency because the inflammatory processes damage the damage that happens to the carrier proteins, which are needed for, transport of specific minerals. For example, a magnesium deficiency that is present in most Fibromyalgia patients. This patient can take incredibly high doses of magnesium, however, if the carrier protein for this mineral is damaged, no matter how much of the mineral you take, it will not get into the body where it is needed. This can also be true for some bone disorders. Even a zinc deficiency, which will affect hair loss and some eye disorders (macular degeneration). Copper deficiency can also occur this way, which can lead to Osteoarthritis or even elevated blood cholesterol in some cases. For any syndrome that could be connected to a mineral deficiency, or exhibits symptoms that don’t seem to go away no matter what you do, you should consider the possibility of a leaky gut.
Healing Leaky Gut
In order to heal Leaky Gut we must first disinfect the intestines of all the infections we can cause or prevent the gut from healing. In 1990 I began to describe the new approach to Candida. The new approach 1st eliminated parasites and the top layers of Candida, the used natural killers to destroy the candida throughout the body. The killers are taken on a 4-day rotation so that the candida will not become immune to them. The next step is to destroy the Candida deep in the lining of intestines where it will cause Leaky Gut.
Once this is done the leaky can be healed using the Leaky Gut Protocol. There are many products made today for leaky gut syndrome today. Most contain Glutamine, MSM, zinc, essential fatty acids, intestinal protein concentrate, white fish proteins, Mucins, vitamins and minerals that help to reduce inflammation and heal the gut lining. After Leaky Gut is Healed You Can Then Take and Benefit from Acidophilus
The Leaky Gut Testing
In order to determine which product will the best and the length of time needed on the products we perform a Leaky Gut test. The intestinal permeability test is performed in the following way. A solution of two non-metabolizable sugars is consumed. One of these sugars is normally absorbed by the intestinal mucosa, the other is not. Urine is collected for several hours after drinking the solution and a sample is sent to the laboratory for analysis. When the normally non-absorbed sugar is found at high concentration in the urine, this indicates Leaky Gut Syndrome. If the normally absorbed sugar is found to be lacking in the urine, this is a sign of malabsorption. Results of the intestinal permeability test lead to appropriate follow-up evaluation and natural therapies to restore normal permeability.
Phase 3: This phase restores energy and ends chronic fatigue. Here is an article.
By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.
The most common mistake in trying to regain energy in one who has candidiasis is the use of many vitamins and minerals or other exotic supplements intended to boost energy. When someone has an active yeast infection or even a virus, they become exhausted from the constant battle between their immune system and the infections. The accumulation of toxins from the infection and environment also will exhaust a person. Anyone who has had the flu or a yeast infection knows it can be tiring. Anyone who is exposed to toxic fumes, chemicals or who has suffered from constipation knows how these can also be tiring.
The solution is not to cram the body with nutrients it is not ready to accept. Giving a toxic body dozens of nutrients is to ask for trouble. One can become severely ill if they take many nutrients when they are chronically toxic. The nutrients will cause a mad, uncontrolled release of toxins which the body was not prepared to release. The result will be feeling lousy. When the body is fighting a chronic infection it is using all its energy for this purpose. Supplements may help the person feel a little better, but not consistently. Also, as stated in my previous articles, research has shown that nutrients (vitamin/mineral supplements) can spread or increase the yeast and viral infection associated with chronic fatigue.
Ninety percent of all the candida and chronic fatigue patients I have tested have abnormally high levels of the mineral copper. While I could write volumes on my experience with excess copper, let’s cover some basics regarding this mineral. Copper is stored in the liver and lymph glands and used to neutralize infections. Due to the fact that the body will retain copper to try to put out the fire of an infection and clear up its toxins, the chronic fatigue sufferer will be copper toxic. Copper does the following to the body when in excess: 1) suppresses potassium storage in the cells, potassium helps the thyroid gland produce energy in the body; 2) suppresses adrenal gland function. The adrenals act as a “fuel pump” in the body. They also help control blood sugar and allergy response; 3) blocks the functions of zinc. Zinc is involved in thousands of energy and immune-related cycles. High copper and low zinc have been found to cause depression and mental disorders; 4) suppresses iron storage. This causes anemia; 5) copper causes abnormal depositing of calcium in the soft tissues. This has been shown to depress thyroid function and cause increased viral activity.
On Phase III after Phase II (detoxification) and Phase I (killing viral and/or candida organisms) are complete, nutrients to reduce copper, support adrenal and thyroid functions and support iron and anemic factors can be used successfully.
When Phase I and II are complete, the body can then directly utilize nutrients, heal itself, and restore energy. Deficient hormone production also can be addressed on Phase III. Vitamin E, manganese, oil of evening primrose, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, pantothenic acid, Vitamin D, essential fatty acids, and proteins are all involved in hormone production resulting in energy production.
Proper testing is essential in determining the correct nutrients needed. Vitamins or minerals taken in too high of a dose or taken when not needed can cause an imbalance or deficiency of other nutrients.
In restoring energy several things must be accomplished. 1) Vitamin or mineral deficiencies or imbalances corrected. 2) Hormonal production restored and balanced. 3) Metabolism rate restored; in restoring the correct rate of metabolism, weight loss will occur.
When energy is restored, heat production by the cells of the body will increase. Calories from food will be burned more efficiently. Excess fat can be lost, being converted to energy when the metabolism rate is restored.
Many people have found their energy is actually higher on Phase III than it was before they were ever ill. The good news of Phase III is that there is energy after chronic fatigue; life can go on.
Michael Biamonte
1. Guyton, Guyton’s Physiology.
2. Watts, David, PhD. “Trace Elements.”
3. Pfieffer, Carl, M.D. “Mental and Elemental Nutrients”
Phase 4: Rebuilds the immune system. Here is an article.
By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.
In order to prevent relapse of Candida or any chronic viral condition, proper immune function must be restored. After Phase I (killing the yeast or virus), Phase II (detoxifying the body), and Phase III (restoring vitamin and mineral balance and energy) have been completed, the immune system is perfectly set up to be restored.
The nervous system is involved in stimulating the immune system. Proper nervous system function depends on many nutrients but particularly “B” vitamins and wheat germ oil. Phase III will reactivate nervous system activity, which will help the immune response stimulated by adrenal gland function.
Various Chinese herbs have been found to stimulate T cells. These herbs can also stimulate antibody production from B cells. T cells and B cells are essential to immune function. Chinese herbs are excellent to stimulate the immune function.
This is a protein which is produced by cells infected by a virus. It inhibits the virus’s ability to reproduce and induces resistance to further attack or infection. Both sunlight and the mineral Germanium have been shown to stimulate Interferon.
These are antibodies which are produced by B cells. Antibodies attack bacteria, viruses, etc. Omega-3 oils and other fatty acids are important in their production.
Copper and Vitamin T (found in sesame oil) are important factors in restoring the liver’s production of antibodies.
This is a gland which has been called the master immune gland. If it functions excessively it can reduce adrenal function. Vitamin A, B12, B5, copper and magnesium are essential to its function.
Copper works closely with Vitamin C, as does manganese. It is used to attract toxins in the lymph system. It attracts the infection like a magnet and then wrestles it to the ground.
Essential to white blood cell production.
Essential to white blood cell activation.
The spleen directs white blood cells to areas of infection. It also helps to clean up the mess resulting from infections. It requires iron, B12, folic acid, and Vitamin C. THE LYMPH GLANDS
Require Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and zinc to form lymphocytes which neutralize infections.
While this is just a basic outline, it does give an idea of what is involved in restoring immune function.
PROTEIN: THE MISSING LINK In any immune suppressed condition, adequate protein intake is essential. Protein is vital for all of the prior functions described. Low protein diets have been linked to lowered antibody production.
Finding the level of globulin protein in one’s blood test gives a basic idea of one’s immune response. Many of the nutrients described previously can restore globulin production when adequate protein is present. Lowered total white blood cells are commonplace in protein malnutrition. Many Candida sufferers can actually worsen their condition if their diet is low in quality proteins and high in refined sugar.
Good old white sugar, besides feeding yeast cells directly, has been found to lower white blood counts. It should be avoided when trying to restore the immune function.
A strong immune system is vital in preventing a relapse of Candida. Keep in mind that this information would never be used to attempt to eliminate Candida; that is what Phase I is for. Since Candida is commonly caused by antibiotic use, strong immune response would be vital in preventing antibiotics use due to reoccurring infections. A strong immune system is also vital in defending the body from yeast cells attempting to overgrow. In the future, a strong immune system will smash any yeast cell that even thinks of causing a riot in your body.
Please fill out the following questionnaire to determine how much of an overgrowth you may have. Keep in mind this is not a scientific result so further testing will be required depending on what you tell Dr. Biamonte initially. Please fill out the following questionnaire and call Danielle at 212-587-2330 with the score. She can then better inform you of what program and approach would be best for you.
![]() This candida questionnaire is designed for adults and the scoring system isn’t appropriate for children 12 and under. It lists factors in your medical history which promote the growth of Candida Albicans (Section A), and symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast-connected illness (Sections B and C).For each “Yes” answer in Section A, circle the point score in that section. Record your total score in the box at the end of the section. Then move on to Sections B and C and score as directed. Filling out and scoring this questionnaire should help you and your doctor evaluate the possible role of Candida in contributing to your health problems. Yet it will not provide an automatic “Yes” or “No” answer. |
scores |
Section A: History
1. Have you taken tetracyclines (Symycin, Panmycin, Vibramycin, Minocin, etc.) or other antibiotics for acne for one month or longer? |
25 |
2. Have you, at any time in your life, taken other “broad spectrum” antibiotics* for respiratory, urinary or other infections for 2 months or longer or in shorter courses 4 or more times in a 1-year period? | 20 |
3. Have you taken a broad spectrum antibiotic* — even in a single course? * Including Keflex, ampicillin, amoxicillin, Ceclor, Bactrim, and Septra. Such antibiotics kill off “good germs” while they are killing off those which cause infection. |
6 |
4. Have you, at anytime in your life, been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis, or other problems affecting your reproductive organs? | 25 |
5. Have been pregnant 2 or more times? 1 time? |
5 3 |
6. Have you taken birth control pills for more than 2 years? for 6 months to 2 years? |
15 8 |
7. Have you taken Prednisone, Decadron or other cortisone-type drugs for more than 2 weeks? For 2 weeks or less? |
15 6 |
8. Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors, and other chemicals provoke moderate to severe symptoms? Mild symptoms? |
20 5 |
9. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places? | 20 |
10. Have you had athlete’s foot, ring worm, jock itch, or other chronic fungus infections of the skin or nails? Have such infections been severe or persistent? Mild to moderate? |
– 20 10 |
11. Do you crave sugar? | 10 |
12. Do you crave breads? | 10 |
13. Do you crave alcoholic beverages? | 10 |
14. Does tobacco smoke really bother you? | 10 |
Point Score | ____ |
Section B: Major Symptoms |
For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure in the point score column: 3 points – for occasional or Mild 6 points – for frequent and/or Moderately Severe 9 points – for severe and/or Disabling Add total score and record it in the box at the end of this section: |
points |
1. Fatigue or lethargy | ______ |
2. Feeling of being “drained” | ______ |
3. Poor memory | ______ |
4. Feeling “spacey” or “unreal” | ______ |
5. Depression | ______ |
6. Numbness, burning, or tingling | ______ |
7. Muscle aches | ______ |
8. Muscle weakness or paralysis | ______ |
9. Pain and/or swelling in joints | ______ |
10. Abdominal pain | ______ |
11. Constipation | ______ |
12. Diarrhea | ______ |
13. Bloating | ______ |
14. Troublesome vaginal discharge | ______ |
15. Persistent vaginal burning or itching | ______ |
16. Prostatitis | ______ |
17. Impotence | ______ |
18. Loss of sexual desire | ______ |
19. Endometriosis | ______ |
20. Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities | ______ |
21. Premenstrual tension | ______ |
22. Spots in front of the eyes | ______ |
23. Erratic vision | ______ |
Point Score | ______ |
Section C: Other Symptoms |
For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure in the point score column: 1 point for occasional or Mild 2 points for frequent and/or Moderately Severe 3 points for severe and/or Disabling Add total score and record it in the box at the end of this section: |
______ |
1. Drowsiness | ______ |
2. Irritability or jitteriness | ______ |
3. Incoordination | ______ |
4. Inability to concentrate | ______ |
5. Frequent mood swings | ______ |
6. Headache | ______ |
7. Dizziness/loss of balance | ______ |
8. Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling and tingling | ______ |
9. Itching | ______ |
10. Other rashes | ______ |
11. Heartburn | ______ |
12. Indigestion | ______ |
13. Belching and intestinal gas | ______ |
14. Mucus in stools | ______ |
15. Hemorrhoids | ______ |
16. Dry mouth | ______ |
17. Rash or blister in mouth | ______ |
18. Bad breath | ______ |
19. Joint swelling or arthritis | ______ |
20. Nasal congestion or discharge | ______ |
21. Postnasal drip | ______ |
22. Nasal itching | ______ |
23. Sore or dry throat | ______ |
24. Cough | ______ |
25. Pain or tightness in chest | ______ |
26. Wheezing or shortness of breath | ______ |
27. Urinary urgency or frequency | ______ |
28. Burning or tearing of eyes | ______ |
29. Failing vision | ______ |
30. Burning on urination | ______ |
31. Recurrent infections or fluid in ears | ______ |
32. Ear pain or deafness | ______ |
Point Score | ______ |
Total Score, Section A Total Score, Section B Total Score, Section C GRAND TOTAL SCORE |
______ |
The Grand Total Score will help you and your doctor decide if your health problems are yeast-connected. Scores in women will run higher as 7 items in the questionnaire apply exclusively to women, while only 2 apply exclusively to men. |
If your score is: | Symptoms are: |
180 (women) | Almost Certainly |
140 (men) | Yeast Connected |
120 (women) | Probably |
90 (men) | Yeast Connected |
60 (women) | Possibly |
40 (men) | Yeast Connected |
Less Than: 60 (women) 40 (men) |
Probably Not Yeast Connected |
Note: This test is not for diagnosing illness. If you have a serious health Problem consult with your health practitioner.
By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.
This article is an attempt to describe all the steps and considerations pertaining to The Biamonte Method of Candida Elimination up to the year 2007. This will update the original article, “The Biamonte Method of Candida Elimination.”
The Biamonte Method of Candida Elimination is divided into 5 major sections. Each major section may have subsections. Besides having its own unique mechanism in eliminating Candida, each section is also designed to prepare the body for the section that follows. This ensures that each section will work correctly. For example, the 2nd section or phase will not work correctly if the 1st phase was not done to full completion, and so.
The reason for the 5 sections is that it is has been found that Candida must be eliminated or stripped out of the body in “layers.” This is due to the different stages of growth it undergoes and the different underlying causes that allow its growth. Candida is also like a chameleon, able to transform itself from a fungus into yeast. Candida is highly resistive and may be able to mutate against an antifungal at or around 21 days, so “rotation,” or switching the antifungal used in an orderly fashion, is essential. I now, more than ever, believe that using an approach which tries to correct all of the patient’s imbalances, symptoms, and/ or deficiencies simultaneously will aggravate the Candida. Certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs can spread Candida. These are the B- complex, vitamin D, Calcium, Copper, and Iron. Other nutrients protect the Candida from the very medicines used to kill it. Most antifungals work by creating “oxidative stress” against the membrane or outer skin of the Candida. This works by “burning” or “digesting” the outer layer of the Candida. Antioxidant vitamins in high doses will protect the Candida from treatment.
In the Biamonte Method, we acknowledge 2 situations which may require attention early on that have a major impact on Candida. These are the presence of toxic metals and hormone imbalances. Both have been found to be underlying causes of Candida. However, it is how these situations are addressed, not the mere fact that they are addressed, that makes the difference between success and failure.
Hormone Connection
Having elevated levels of Estrogen and Cortisol, or having lower levels of Testosterone, Dhea, or Progesterone can make a man or woman more prone to Candida and cause continual relapse. Other hormonal imbalances can cause Candida as well. Candida may stimulate one’s immune system to attack the thyroid gland, causing Hashimoto’s disease. Women who notice that their Candida symptoms worsen during the PMS phase of menses, or men who notice that they have a drop in energy or libido since developing Candida- like symptoms, have hormonal problems linked to Candida. Stress will easily cause Candida by elevating the stress hormone, Cortisol, which will depress the immune system and like Estrogen, raise the amount of sugars found in the mucus surrounding the Candida. Fortunately, I have learned from years of experience that the standard approach to testing and treating hormone problems often makes Candida worse! In the Biamonte Method, we use a special way of testing for hormones that reflects how the hormone is affecting the Candida. Standard blood tests for hormones are of little use. There is also a special way for treating the hormones so as not to spread the Candida. Typical hormone treatments make Candida worse!
The Toxic Metal Connection
Toxic metals such as Mercury, Copper, Iron, Aluminum, Bismuth, and Arsenic show up consistently in the Candida patient. These metals can either disable the exact part of the immune system that seeks to control Candida or they destroy the gut flora that controls Candida. Mercury and Copper are often found in one’s dental fillings and in tap water. As they pass through the intestinal tract, they can stimulate the growth of more Candida. Testing for them is done using a stool sample. A stool sample for toxic metals reflects the body’s ability to excrete the metals through the stool via the liver in the primary path of metal excretion; the urine is not a prime outlet for the body to dump metals. The stool also shows how much metal the Candida is being exposed to! The body does not form Candida as a protective mechanism against Mercury. This is false data! Mercury suppresses intestinal antibodies and immune response which allow Candida to then grow.
Many doctors make the mistake of aggressively chelating or trying to remove metals from the Candida patient early in the treatment, thinking that handling the cause will clear it faster. However, this only serves to spread the Candida. As the huge out pouring of metals move down the intestinal tract, it contacts and spreads the yeast!
Metal removal must be done after the yeast is gone. In the Biamonte Method, we use a substance which binds the metals in the intestinal tract during the early stages of Candida elimination to keep the metals away from the Candida until we can get the patient into the 3rd phase when the metals can be addressed safely.
An Outline of the 5 Phases of Candida Elimination
Phase 0
Many years ago I discovered that parasites could cause Candida. This is covered in other articles and writings that you can find on our website. The exact mechanics of this is simple. Parasites destroy friendly flora just like antibiotics do. Many parasites excrete ammonia and other toxic chemicals that destroy friendly flora like acidophilus. Some parasites also depress the immune response in the intestinal tract allowing yeasts to overgrow. Anything that destroys friendly flora can cause an overgrowth of Candida since friendly flora holds Candida in check.
The purpose of Phase 0 is to eliminate enough of the parasites from the lining of the intestinal tract so that the person will not quickly relapse on Phase 1. Phase 0 also eliminates the top layers of Candida growth so there is less die-off from Phase 1 to make you feel sick. This also allows Phase 1 to absorb faster and deeper into your system. We have 27 different versions of Phase 0. I will choose the one that best suits the patient’s medical history and current symptoms. Phase 0, of course, also begins removing the top layers of Candida. Phase 0 acts as a “challenge” for the Candida urine test that is done. (See the article, “The Biamonte Method of Candida Testing”). The Phase 0 program loosens and breaks up colonies of yeasts, bacteria, and parasites. This ensures that the waste products that they release show clearly on the urine testing so that we know the true nature of Candida levels. After I have studied the urine tests done before Phase 0 and after Phase 0, I will determine the Phase 1 program that is needed.
In many cases, testing for hormone imbalances and “Leaky Gut Syndrome’’ is requested when the patient begins Phase 0.
Phase 1
The purpose of Phase 1 is to eliminate and destroy most of the Candida in the body. This program destroys Candida in the intestines, the blood, lymph, and vital organs.
This is known as the rotation program. Once we have tested the person to discover the type of Candida they have, we then select 4 substances that are especially effective on that type of Candida. The first one is taken for a 4-day period and then stopped. We then move to the next substance for another 4 days. This is repeated over and over again. This rotation is done so that the Candida does not develop a resistance to the substance. (This concept is covered in my earlier articles on Candida.) This program may last for 2-4 months, and may go through a series of increased dosages, depending on the results of the urine test. Phase 1 doses may be increases by 50%, 100%, or 150%. If the test does not indicate increased die-off taking place despite increases, the doses of the phase could be considered finished.
At this time, hormonal imbalances may be addressed and a program to correct them is begun as an adjunct. If the hormones are imbalanced, the Candida will not fully clear and Phase 1 will not kill all of its intended victims!
Phase 2
The purpose of Phase 2 is to: 1) Destroy the Candida buried in the intestinal tract. If this Candida is not removed, it will eventually cause a full-blown relapse within 6 months to a year. 2) Establish friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract and stimulate the immune response in the intestines that fight Candida and harmful organisms. This is not done in Phase 1 or Phase 0 because we have proved that Candida will prevent friendly acidophilus and bifidus bacteria from growing. The Candida must be eliminated first before the friendly bacteria will grow. An analogy would be trying to plant flowers in a garden of weeds. 3) Repair any damage to the intestinal tract (leaky gut) that has occurred that may be causing food allergies and chemical sensitivities. Each of these actions may be their own sub- phase. This phase can also last 2-4 months or longer, depending on the needs of the patient and their test scores.
Phase 3
The purpose of Phase 3 is to regain energy. We begin by completely eliminating all toxic metals. This is the first concern on Phase 3. We often test for toxic metals using tissue mineral analysis (hair testing), urinary challenge testing with dmps or dmsa, and fecal toxic metal testing. Toxic metals will interfere with any correction or balancing of nutrients. Nutrient deficiencies, immune deficiencies, some hormonal imbalances, and some neurotransmitter imbalances will not correct in the presence of toxic metals. When toxic metals are fully eliminated, we then correct any deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, neurotransmitters, or fatty acids that exist.
Special blood and tissue mineral tests are performed to measure all the nutrients. The website explains the basic testing done on Phase 3.
Phase 3 Genetic testing
Genetic testing is also a major component of Phase 3. We specifically look for genetic errors that can cause Candida! The genetic testing also tells us what illnesses and nutrient imbalances your body is prone to based on the chromosome errors one has inherited from their parents. I compare the genetic testing, which tells me “what can happen,” with the special blood and tissue mineral tests, which are telling me “what is happening,” in order to see if the genetic tendencies are causing nutrient imbalances in the present. These would be our next concern. From the genetic testing, we discover which nutrients a person needs to take as a permanent maintenance program based on their own genetics. The most common mistake in trying to regain energy in one who has Candidiasis is the use of many vitamins and minerals or other exotic supplements intended to boost energy while the Candida still exists in the body.
Giving a toxic body dozens of nutrients is asking for trouble. One can become severely ill if they take many nutrients when they are chronically toxic. The nutrients will cause a mad, uncontrolled release of toxins, which the body will not be prepared to release. The result will be feeling terrible. Candida suffers usually get bad reactions to vitamin supplements.
This is why vitamins are not given until Phase 3, after the Candida is gone.
Phase 4
The purpose here is to stimulate the immune system. In order to prevent a relapse of Candida or any chronic viral condition, proper immune function must be restored. After Phase 1, Phase 2 (killing the yeast), and Phase 3 (eliminating toxins, restoring vitamin/mineral/hormone balance and energy) have been completed, the immune system is perfectly set up to be restored. Immune function will not come back if we have deficiencies and toxic metals, as these problems can suppress the immune system. You certainly cannot restore the immune system while you have an active Candida infection. If your house was on fire (which is like having an infection), would you run into the burning house with new rugs, wallpaper, and furniture to try to “build the house back up” while it was burning down? I doubt it! There are also many immune stimulating herbs and glandular extracts that can be used on this phase. These are determined based on the special blood/tissue mineral test. Many are taken in cycle of 4-6 days on and 2-4 days off. This prevents resistance by one’s own body to the substance. The immune stimulating mineral, Germanium, the herb Echinacea, and many other substances are best taken in this manner.
Special testing may be done to measure immune function.
Why This Works!
This method has a success rate of better than 90%, according to our recent surveys.
Much of the success of this approach is not in what we do, but when we do it, and what we DO NOT DO!
Mixing these phases together results in a patient that responds slowly, does not respond at all, or gets worse. Most doctors get poor results with Candida because they fail to understand the interactions between Candida, vitamins, hormones, and toxic metals.
The benefit and importance of this program is in preventing relapse. This program has 2 basic purposes: the first is to eliminate Candida using our advanced methods and the second is to prevent its relapse by systematically correcting all the known causes. The following information is the starting point of the program and is also where most of our success has come from. This unique process was formulated by Dr. Biamonte’s research through the years.
By Michael Biamonte, C.C.N.
The Biamonte Method of testing for Candida consists of a first morning urine only. The urine is tested within the first hour of voiding for accuracy. After the hour has passed chemical reactions will occur that will lower the accuracy. Candida test measures chemical waste products from harmful bacteria and parasites, waste products that are produced as a by-product of Candida’s own metabolisms and free radical reactions that occur from the alcohol by products of Candida. Bacteria, yeasts and parasites produce “organic acids” unique to themselves. This can be thought of as chemicals that are produced by the organisms that are not produced by our own bodies. These chemicals serve as footprints of these organisms. We measure these wastes in the urine to determine if they are in a range. We consider to be consistent with Candida overgrowth. Although, those who have a poor immune system, can experience “Candida symptoms” at low levels.
When we kill these organisms the organic acids or waste products will increase. This is because the organism is dying, decomposing and releasing these chemicals. The first Candida test that we do serves as a baseline.
The very first urine test that a new patient does is performed as a “Challenge” or “Provacation” test. This is typically done with toxic chemicals. We have the person do a baseline test then they go on our Phase 0 program for 3-4 weeks. Phase 0 physically and mechanically removes and dislodges Candida, Bacteria and parasites off the intestinal lining. We then have the person repeat the urine test. We then look for changes that occur between the first test and the second as a result of the loosening and scrubbing action of Phase 0. The second urine test will reveal organisms that may have been brought out of hiding by Phase 0. Sometimes they levels increase on the second test indicating that Candida was hiding in the intestines and not reacting with the persons immune response. In other cases they may drop but the parasite levels may rise indicating that Candida is not the primary infection but that Parasites are. Sometimes the Candida levels remain high and on the 1st and 2nd test unaffected by the Phase 0. This indicates that there are colonies of Candida that have moved outside of the intestinal tract and have invading other parts of the body. These colonies were not affected by the Intestinal Cleansing of Phase 0 so the levels remain unchanged.
When the person begins the Candida program we expect the organic acid levels to go higher as a result of the program killing the organisms. At some point they start to drop. This signals that the phase we are on is reaching its end and that the current medicines have reached and killed all the Candida that they are able to. This is a signal that the next phase should begin. After starting the next phase the new medicines begin to attack the Candida in a new area or location of the body. This causes the Candida organic acids to rise again. At some point the drop, again signaling the end of that phase. When we have used the final group of medicines that are used to destroy the Candida in the intestinal membrane and we have achieved a drop in the organic acid level, we can assume the overgrowth of Candida is eliminated and it is now time to concentrate on building up the levels of friendly bacteria to take its place.
This method of testing represents the first test for Candida that is designed to compliment a Candida elimination program. The method reports the level of die-off the program is producing. Unlike or methods, if the patient feels worse on the program as a result of the dead Candida the test will reflect that so we can understand whether or not the “feeling worse” is as a result of the program killing the Candida or the person feeling bad for some other reasons!
In the past, our Candida testing also employed an advanced stool culture called the Chromagar. This identifies the species of Candida that the person has. This was used because I have found that certain medicines or herbs will work better on certain types or strains of Candida. Bacteria and parasites also surround Candida. This is true in all cases. We have found that these organisms must be eliminated at the same time with the Candida. If they are not they will continue to kill off the friendly bacteria that prevents the growth of Candida. This causes the Candida to quickly grow back as if the person took a course of antibiotics. Therefore the medicines or herbs that we select must be able to kill all the organisms identified on the stool culture. However after years and years of refining our protocols, we no longer need the stool test information. At this time the substances that we use in our protocol are able to destroy all organisms. We may add the stool test in some cases, but it is generally not needed as we have advanced past its use.
Consultations and fees:
The initial appointment is $240. At this time, Dr. Biamonte would go over all your past medical history and go over any prior test results you may have. Dr. Biamonte will also determine what testing would be best for you. The second appointment when we go over your test results is $180. Follow up appointments are anywhere from $80-$180 depending on what is being gone over at that appointment. Supplements and testing can be anywhere from $100 to $350 every 4 to 6 weeks. This is just an estimate it could be more depending on your situation and how many things are involved. The programs are individualized to fit your health needs.
The program is monitored every 4 to 6 weeks. Testing is done periodically to insure that you are ready to move to the next phase and that your program is working correctly. We can space the appointments out to fit your budget. This is done to accommodate those who have financial difficulties. We try to help you plan this out before starting the program. I am available by email or by phone (212) 587-2330 to answer any other questions you may have. Thank you for contacting us and good luck, and I hope we can help you achieve good health! In Good Health,
Danielle DeSimone
Office Manager