
Keep in mind if you have a question during the program you can email it or call at no charge. The only time there is a charge is when you are scheduled for your regular appointment, when a test result comes in, or if there are adjustments that need to be made to your program. The appointments can be spaced out to fit your budget.

Consultation fees:

Brief Consultation

A brief consultation is generally less then 10 minutes and is scheduled in order to address, questions, concerns or new difficulties that develop between regularly scheduled monthly consultations.

Basic Consultation

The Basic consultation is generally more then 10 minutes or is used to go over major changes to the program, or to interpret the results of the Basic Home Test and adjust Phase 0-4 programs.

Basic Test

The test consultation covers a major test other then the home kit and is used to create or adjust a phase 0-4 program. This can be used as a regular monthly consultation.

Extended Consultation……………………………………………………………$180.00

The extended consultation is generally more then 10 minutes and used to interpret 2 or more tests. This can take the place of a basic monthly consultation. These consultations generally require additional research or consultation with consultants at the lab performing the test or with “Nutritional Interpretations”, to take into account current program and health history.


The Review consultation is used to review a major lab test between regular monthly consultations. These often require the same preparation as extended consultations.

Brief Review Consultation…………………………………………………………$60.00

this consultation requires similar but less preparation then the Review consultation and tends to be less the 10 minutes.

Report of Findings

This is the second consultation done after the initial test results are received. The Consultation is generally 15-30 minutes. The initial program is explained and begun.


At this consultation a review of past health and nutritional history is discussed. The necessary testing is explained and the proposed program is outlined. An initial program may be begun

The candida test that monitors the program is $125. This test is done every so often to moniter the program. This test will tell us what we need to know in order for you to move on to the next phase. There is other testing down the road. That could be anywhere from $300 – $700.

These could include:

Toxic metals
Leaky gut syndrome
Genetic testing
Computerized nutritional interpretation ( this is usually done at the end of the program to see what the body is deficient in)
And more.